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Question For The Ladies.......

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jd_1984 | 10:19 Wed 06th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
On a scale of 1-10 please rate how important the following qualities are in a man....

1. A sense of fun
2. A sense of humour
3. Class
4. Parental skills (or promise of)
5. Romance
6. Sexual Mastery
7. Generosity
8. Attentiveness
10. Looks / physical appearence


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If possible too, could you disclose your age and marital status
You missed out 11. Fat wallet!
Carrust at my age that is the most important thing. lol
2...............then you can laugh about the others !!!! no no !!!!!!!!
Question Author

11. Wealth! (as it is, for some, a considered factor I am sure)
1. A sense of fun - 10

2. A sense of humour - 10

3. Class - 0 (I have to say say that, my OH has no class)

4. Parental skills (or promise of) - 10

5. Romance - 5 (I don't want flowers or chocolates, just thoughtful)

6. Sexual Mastery - I'm not sure what that means???

7. Generosity - Hard to put a number on. It depends on what it is. He's very generous with me, and he will help anyone in need, but I'd be happy even if he didn't leave me his card to buy myself nice things :-)

8. Attentiveness - 5

9.Intellegence - lol, love the spelling error :-) He's more intelligent than me, but doesn't know it

10. Looks / physical appearence - 5 (I love him, as a person, and that makes him attractive)
11. Bank Balance - 5 (as long as we can pay the bills, buy food and have the occasional treat)
10 for all of them (0 for a fat wallet as mr kicker has no money at all!!....i lucked out on that). mr kicker is my 10/10 and i don't know why such a lovely, handsome chap like him has stayed with me for 20 years. i'm 37, btw......and have very high standards! x
You deserve it, lcg :-) x
At my age (if I was single) none of the above would matter. I would look for:
All four limbs
Being able to eat without needing a bib

(I would be willing to compromise on the limbs)
/If possible too, could you disclose your age and marital status /


I'm going to keep saying that as often as possible^^because I won't be in my 30's for much longer :-(

I'm in a long term relationship.

I don't some people are taking your survey seriously :-)

f f s
You forgot
Non snoring
1/ 10
2/ 10
3/ 8
4/ 10...but I don't see myself becoming a parent.
5/ 10
6/ Not sure what you mean
7/ 8
8/ 8
9/ 8
10/ 8
11/ To keep me in Louboutin shoes, it has to be a 10!

I'm 35 and answers probably explain why I am single! That man does not exist and I am far too shallow :) x
4-0 too late for the parent thing
On a scale of 1-10 please rate how important the following qualities are in a man....

1. A sense of fun 10

2. A sense of humour 10
3. Class. 0 What does class matter.
4. Parental skills (or promise of) 7.
5. Romance 5. Would be nice now and then,
6. Sexual Mastery 6 Takes two to tango
7. Generosity 7
8. Attentiveness 6 Too much would annoy me
9.Intellegence 6. Not too much more than me
10. Looks / physical appearence. 0. With the person, not the looks

42 married for 25 years.
None of the above. As carrust says Size of wallet. And yes, size does matter.
I read once that a woman wants from a man understanding, cuddles, attention, loving actions, remembering birthdays and anniversaries etc. A man wants from a woman that she turns up naked.
''6. Sexual Mastery - I'm not sure what that means???''

Lets take a wild guess: is he skilled in the art of porkswordsmanship.
It could have been worded better.

6. Good in bed - 5, you can train them :-)

1. 10
2. 10
3. 0 (what is class?)
4. 10
5. 2 (not romantic myself)
6. Not sure about mastery, but he needs to push the right buttons
7. 10 (not talking about money)
8. 5 (don't like being suffocated)
9. 7
10. 5

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