Mm Links Results August 2013 Week 5 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Mm Links Results August 2013 Week 5

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gen2 | 18:29 Sun 01st Sep 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
As a great man once said: "Hello, Good Evening and Welcome". (Tributes may be placed on one of the many threads in his memory.)

This was August's final game which has now closed and I can reveal that 'Baron Brian' (aka beejay1124) had chosen the following links:


. . . and what an interesting game it turned into.
To use a sporting cliché, "it was a game of two halves"

But which half did you excel in?
Find out below.
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(apologies for the delay - my mother was on the phone)

The first half took place on Saturday when two links were discovered within the first four minutes.

Grannydi put her tinnitus to good purpose and was first to claim BELL RINGER with cliffyg also in time for a bonus. 2 points each and a great start.

It was just a couple of minutes later when pixie373 recalled her last visit to the doctor - or was she dreading her next? In any case, a BLOOD TEST was foremost in her mind (2 points).

For the rest of Saturday morning and afternoon, players came and went (apart from Arksided also opting for 'Bell Ringer'), nobody scored a frankfurter, bratwurst or wiener. Shame on you. What were you all thinking of?

. . . until the night-shift came on duty and a couple of geniuses then cleared up the remaining links.

At 17:22, the Hewats logged in and claimed one each of the remaining links.

SHAZZA was obviously the chess-player and opted for GRAND MASTER while CHRIS, tired of always being in the background, chose FRONT DESK.

With all point scorers mentioned above, we don't need a summary so straight to the honours:

***** HOTSHOTS FOR *****
***** THIS WEEK ARE *****
***** THE H E W A T S *****

We do though need to know how that affects the August Scoreboard which ends up like this:

11 cliffyg


So Well Done . . .

**** CHAMPION FOR ****
****** AUGUST IS ******
* * * * C L I F F Y G * * * *

followed by:

9 pixie373
8 tearinghair
7 Psybbo, roslyn251254 & Strix
6 Brenden, rockfordill & ulysses100
5 BigMac, CHRIS-Hewat & evsajo
4 Aquagility, baza, Christiana, Elspeth, grannydi, jobjockey, kettledrum, lysander & seekeerz
3 boxtops, kawakiri, owllady & twix123
2 cupid04, elliemay1, fordward, Handbaglady, middlestump & SHAZZA-Hewat
1 2unicorns, Arksided, deecee131, tonyav & wickedtongue

That leaves me to select the next setter.
It is a close thing but although it was over two years since cliffyg last set the links, he has set them on two occasions so I hope he won't mind if I offer the honour to PIXIE373.

******** P I X I E 3 7 3 ********

Please get in touch Pixie by emailing



I look forward to hearing from you and just to reassure you, lots of help is offered to make the task as easy as possible.

So until next Saturday, and with a new setter:
Same time (9am)
Same place (Q&P)
Happy Linking
Question Author
A big THANK YOU to beejay1124 for providing the challenges throughout August. You have kept everyone on their toes, cast out many points to the players and provided a nail-biting finish - all by pure chance!

Anyway 'Baron Brian' we appreciate your input to the game.
ty gen for your guidance
Thanks gen2, I must try harder this month.
Thank you, gen. Will do. (no idea what to do!)
Thanks Baron Brian and Gen2 and good luck to Pixie 373 for September's links.
any month where i beat deecee is good enough for me
Joint third, yippee, to tie with Roslyn and strix, well pleased, thank you gen2
Thanks to Beejay too and waves at Tony
Yes, you did very well this month Psybbo, well done.
said with gritted teeth, lol x tony ^
Doh, I'm sure she can see me lol.
What a great month, thanks beej and gen2, well done to all and looking forward to pixie next month, lovely to see new faces doing well too !!

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Mm Links Results August 2013 Week 5

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