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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 21:02 Sat 16th Nov 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
191 Answers
Here we are again, another meeting of the Mad Over Fifties Club! Welcome to Nungate Towers, one and all.
Tonight's Tailcock will be the "November Noggin" a lovely spicy brew - guaranteed "central heating" for this cold damp evening! On our menu tonight we have a rich hearty beef casserole with dumplings, as our hot plate special, on the pudding trolley we have plum duff and custard! Other treats for tonight are volly vonts, canopies and horses doovers!
Up in the gallery the Minstrels are currently playing pontoon but later on they will be regaling us with their usual selection of madrigals and fugues, down in the ballroom our favourite local band The Tone Deafs have joined with the Hotel Spendido Palm Court Orchestra to form a "supergroup" and they will be swinging along to the popular tunes from the "Swing" era! (pass me my bobby socks!) Meanwhile down in the Music room we have a special treat, the return of Flamenco Flo and her performing poodles!
Everybody dance now!!!
For the rofl tonight I have to offer:
set of broken lute strings (courtesy of the Minstrels)
1 cardboard box (empty but useful)
Spare set of chains (thank you Igor)

A warm welcome awaits all who enter these portals

carriages at midnight


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nungate, I used to be so active. Now I just get cross with myself. No stamina.
-- answer removed --
Excellent Will listen before I go to bed. Thanks.
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Evening Steve. I trust your search was successful, or will you return to your quest later?
Evening Steve, warm and dry here, thanks.
Madame I have taken the trouble of organising the staff in readiness for the clear up. Did we really need to have those blessed poodles?
Poodles, Igor ?.
My mother had a poodle which rejoiced in the name Flint. He hated my cat, Trixie. When Flint was taken for his last walk in the evening Trixie would insist on going too. Jumping on the walls and scuttling around Flint as if to say, "Look, no lead."
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I like your cat Daisy! They are characters aren't they?
My mom had a poodle called Mitzie, the bloody thing was always biting me.
Yes, poodles Tony Sir, Flamenco Flo and her flippin' poodles, only gone and made a mess on the Aubusson carpet!!!!! Will take ages for Dyson to get that cleaned, we may need to call in a professional, it's a valuable carpet!
Madame will not be amused!
Oh yes Igor, the performing poodles !.
Well they certainly "performed" this evening Tony, sir
Yes Igor they certainly have, hope those stains come out. Her nungateship is not going to be happy if they don't.
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stains? ...... what stains? .......
Nothing to worry about Madame, the sitituation is well in hand. winks at Tony
Should have asked for Queen performing Tutti Frutti.
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Very well Igor, I shall leave the matter in your capable hands.
Errrrrm, don't worry about those your nungateship, Igor and I are dealing with it.
I'll see what I can do, Daisy.

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