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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 21:02 Sat 07th Dec 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
256 Answers
Good evening and welcome to tonight's meeting of the Mad Over Fifties Club.
Tonight at the Towers we are pleased to announce that the Tailcock will be the Storm Flurry and for the hot plate special we have a delicious Chicken Chasseur, with veggies from the estate and mash (of course) and on the pudding trolley, a rich and dreamy chocolate torte with whipped cream! As I this isn't enough we also have our customary volley vonts, canopies and horses doovers.
The Minstrels are busily setting up their instruments in the gallery ready to play the madrigals and fugues we have come to expect from them, in the ballroom we have the Woody Forest Swing Band - anyone for a jitterbug?
We have nice blazing fires in the most of the rooms (would anyone wishing to stay in one of our guest suites please inform Belle in order that fires may be lit in the suite) From the library to the snug the Towers is waiting to welcome members. The hot tub is bubbling away on the north tower and the bungee is ready to bounce, down in the dungeon the indoor pool is ready and waiting for anyone wishing a late night swim.
For the rofl tonight I offer:
Dry cleaners hanger - the cleaners put a pair of leather gloved on a hanger?
4 empty cardboard boxes - the Avon lady left them in the front porch

A warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals

carriages at midnight


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Yeah he would Tony
Why, Daisy.
Fulham away tomorrow.
Evening all.
So pleased to be here.
I feel like one of the luckiest people on the planet.
Just keep lining up the Tailcocks Igor.
I live in Lincolnshire.
'Nuff said
Right, no problem Daisy, I'll save you a few.
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Evening Mammar, I do hope you aren't up to your hurdies in water!
Do have a tailcock
Mainly because clubs talk about buying and selling players, not transfer fees which I suppose are to make it not sound like slavery! Not logical, a gut reaction.
For those affected by the Storm:

The Great AB storm may come;
Our limbs may break;
Yet others bend
Beneath the weight–
Of heavy storm surge and rain
And galeish breeze…
An AB storm can mark
The strongest trees,
Flood the shallowest Streets
Reminds us of the Power of the Sea
Life sometimes deals
With each of us this way;
In unseen trials
We ABers may meet each day.
It’s not how much our bodies break
Or how much they may bend;
It’s MoFC or GMEB.
Our Own Lives
That AB helps our spirits mend.
(Though a tailcock bucket doesn't go amiss).
Madame Mammar, so glad to see you, do have a tailcock
Evening, Mammar, hurdies ? nungate.
I understand what you mean, Daisy. Transfer market opens very soon !.
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Hurdies? Hips, thighs that sort of region - it's a Scottish-ism
Very topical ode there, DT.
My late mother in law lived in Kings Lynn during the 53 surge. She was swept out of her kitchen along with 2 Alsatian dogs.
Nungate, the only good thing about my town at the moment is the revenue the tv crews are bringing to the hotels.
I self-evacuated to my daughter's house in a nearby village as my mobility problems mean I would have been a nightmare to evacuate. As I can't do stairs I was sat up in an armchair all night listening to local radio telling me the water was approaching nearer and nearer to my area of the town dreading the call from my next door neighbours telling me the worst
Right, thanks for the education, nungate. See it's true you learn something new everyday.
Hope you didn't get flooded, Mammar.

Psssst, got any pickled onion vinegar for me chips.
Mammar, how frightening for you. Are you OK now?
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You did the right thing Mammar - the house okay?
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I assume you've heard nothing about the state of your house yet them Mammar? Must be a terrible time for you. We used to live near a river and had been on flood alert so many times, but we were lucky. I hope everything will be alright for you.

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