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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 21:02 Sat 07th Dec 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
256 Answers
Good evening and welcome to tonight's meeting of the Mad Over Fifties Club.
Tonight at the Towers we are pleased to announce that the Tailcock will be the Storm Flurry and for the hot plate special we have a delicious Chicken Chasseur, with veggies from the estate and mash (of course) and on the pudding trolley, a rich and dreamy chocolate torte with whipped cream! As I this isn't enough we also have our customary volley vonts, canopies and horses doovers.
The Minstrels are busily setting up their instruments in the gallery ready to play the madrigals and fugues we have come to expect from them, in the ballroom we have the Woody Forest Swing Band - anyone for a jitterbug?
We have nice blazing fires in the most of the rooms (would anyone wishing to stay in one of our guest suites please inform Belle in order that fires may be lit in the suite) From the library to the snug the Towers is waiting to welcome members. The hot tub is bubbling away on the north tower and the bungee is ready to bounce, down in the dungeon the indoor pool is ready and waiting for anyone wishing a late night swim.
For the rofl tonight I offer:
Dry cleaners hanger - the cleaners put a pair of leather gloved on a hanger?
4 empty cardboard boxes - the Avon lady left them in the front porch

A warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals

carriages at midnight


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you want some mustard on that?
DT that is your most poignant ode ever. I might have to bend a bit but I refuse to break.
With grand-daughters help today photos have been put back in their cupboards, other important items (including wrapped Xmas presents!) have been returned to their rightful places. My sister down the road a bit from me had water creeping up the drive towards her door but it didn't stretch as far up as me.
Thank goodness, Mammar. Always lovely to have help, especially from a granddaughter.
Did any water get into your house, Mammar ?.
I have had enough drama over the past few days. Then after the bridges were opened and I got home, the flood warning moved to the village where my daughter lives. However, the Army and helicopters mended the breach in the defences before the next high tide.
See what I mean about being lucky?
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That's good news Mammar.
The biggest laugh was that they said I could go into a nearby nursing home where they are more adapted to my needs and I told 'em I was frightened they wouldn't fetch me out again! Phew, close shave there.
Very lucky indeed, Mammar.
Indeed it is......another bucket please and a double-strength Slurry for Mammar...
With you on that Mammar! To be resisted as long as is feasible.
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Too true Mammar, once they get you in there they "lose" the key! ;-)
Igor, keep lining up the Tailcocks, My friend.
And a slice of chocolate torte wouldn't go amiss.
Stuff the diet
right folks I'm offski for a bit my book is a calling see y'all later
G'night then, Queenie.
Tony, switching all these matches around to Sundays and midweek has taken much of the fun out of Saturday nights when the League Tables could be read, understood and you knew exactly where your team was.
hope they don't wobble tomorrow
LOL i'm not going to bed (far too early) need to do my caption comp!)
My bungalow is adapted for me and I have no intention of leaving it yet!
So there!
Actually, I would have had to give in and go to the nursing home if I had been flooded as another night in a chair would have finished me off!
Enjoy Queenie. Wonder what the book is? Just nosy
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Probably one of her gruesome murders Daisy ....
Thank You Daisy. Its Close To The Bone by Stuart MacBride - the last in the series of Logan McRae novels, bit sad :(

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