Good morning everyone - Autumn continues and I'm enjoying every minute, soon there'll be lovely coloured leaves everywhere and the smell of wood smoke ...,seventh heaven !!
Loads of lovely points too ....not everywhere but ...
Now I should have guessed the third match as I've been trying to master a form of this for some weeks now, but .... well nobody did so some consolation there :((
The STAR TURNS each gaining 6 points came from CPFRROSIE & SAM1960 with three correct matches, while lots of 3's and 1's were also collected .... all in all a very good start to our new month.
So Congratulations to all the points scorers for this week and may it continue all through the next 4 rounds ....
The very early LEADER BOARD ....
6 points - cpfcrosie & Sam1960
3 points - 21 players
1 point - 33 players
Almost a complete exodus from the FFC rooms and I'm sure the majority will make sure they follow suite very soon .... till next week, stay safe...cheers, Steff
Well done all the escapees. Two for me not bad but I was so close to posting Ghost train until Ewan McGregor popped up so opted for Train spotting... whip stitch was also on the tip of my tongue... In a different reality of being. ;-)