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Who Do I Tell?

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Bathsheba | 19:09 Tue 02nd Jan 2018 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
We're hearing that A+E Depts at hospitals are struggling to manage.......I think it's caused by GP's crazy "same day only" appointments systems, who are probably doing that so someone can tick a box for them.
Who, apart from you lot on here, should I tell? I'm not into politics, but I'm an ordinary woman of average intelligence, who can see and hear what is glaringly obvious?

x x x


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It doesn't matter who you tell, there will be no change until there is a complete overall of the NHS....and that ain't going to happen for purely Political reasons. 2004 I think, the Labour Health secretary (some woman) gave the GP's more money for less, they did less and the overflow of patients went to A&E. Madness, but what else could a...
19:25 Tue 02nd Jan 2018
I further see and hear that patients and A+E staff are to blame for on the one hand being needy and entitled and on the other unable to prioritise and stick to their decision when someone presents with what is clearly not an emergency, just a sore bit.
You could try your MP. Of course, it's only an opinion. They may not take it up.
remember that you are in a very well funded part of the health care system ( Christie has money coming out of its ears)

and so ,,,,
your MP ( not someone else's MP I tried Sarah Woolaston ( MB MP) and her bag carrier told me should couldnt act and I HAD to go thro my own MP. I didnt)
AND the health minister who has just ordered hospitals to abandon non urgent surgery for Jan 2018

actually it isnt - due to same day appts.
I was stuck in A+E for six hours without a bed and without a nurse going near me and with the reg insisting ( correctly I thought ) "I am not going to initiate treatment no one is monitoring him."
There were five others like me ....

but hell they are paid to read your letters so ...
write !
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Have to say that I have had to go to A+E last week and the week before, and had to wait 5.5 hrs each time, the 1st week I enjoyed watching 2 senior nurses decorating a Christmas tree. For 2 hours.
// clearly not an emergency, just a sore bit.//
it would not cost much to 'greet em and street em'.

I discharged myself at 09 00 - whilst the reg encouraged me with: if you dont get hold of your GP and get and take rivaroxaban - you will stroke and may DIIIIIIIEEEE!"
(yeah yeah got it doc, got it)

I've never really understood the "same day only" appointment system that folk on here discuss. Certainly doesn't apply at my GP practice. I can phone at any time of the day and, if willing to see any GP, I might be lucky enough to get an appointment that day. If asking for a specific GP, I might have to wait 2/3 days.
It doesn't matter who you tell, there will be no change until there is a complete overall of the NHS....and that ain't going to happen for purely Political reasons.

2004 I think, the Labour Health secretary (some woman) gave the GP's more money for less, they did less and the overflow of patients went to A&E. Madness, but what else could a patient in need of medical care do.

Yes..bed shortages, an older population requiring social care exacerbates the situation......a situation that is totally unacceptable.
i would have thought it was the exact opposite - if there are same ay appts available at the surgery, it negates the need for people to go to A and E, as they can get an appt at their GP.
I'm not sure what took you to A an E twice in a week, but sorry to hear it.
oh, I read Village of Secrets
around 200 pages - jewish orphans being hidden in a fransh plateau village which was snowed up for four months

below the snow line the other villagers were saying to the SS und Gestapo - "oh you shouldnt go up there sors - they be odd - and all touched! their wives are frequently also their sisters. and The pigs how they squeal..."
Baths - I DO know what is going on with you
remember that Christie runs a casualty and so if it is anything to do with You Know THAT
get Sgt Troy to run you down there

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No PP, it was the result of a fall, which I am having often now I'm a little old laydee. (well, not so little now thanks to Christie's steroids)

x x x
When I have had cause to attend A&E I have been triaged straight into resus or a temp ward whose name is evading me prior to being admitted.

I cannot fault the service I have received.

Fortunately I have spent so little time in the waiting area I have no opportunity to observe the time wasters.
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Well believe you me Eccles, some of them seemed right at home there. They knew how to use the coffee machine, and were dab hands at the Mars Bar etc vending machines. Oh, and a couple knew where the sockets were to charge their phones.
yeah I was triaged before
neutropenic and feverish 38.5 I think

and some fella jumped up and said "My Ay-meh was here before him! why wont they see my ay-meh beforew him ?"
and I said to him: because they think I am going to die

( that was after I had reported to matron and said "I rang because I have a fever and leukaemia" and Matron said - "never 'eard of ya!" and I thought god I am going to croak in the chair of a waiting room of cas ......)
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Aaww, so sorry PP, I really shouldn't be laughing, I know..

x x x
I am clearly lucky with the superb service I receive from my GP and local hospital.

Perhaps I am ailing more than I realised.
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Yes Eccles, you are lucky. At my GPs they begin to answer the phone at 8.30am, and by 8.45, all the appointments are taken.
If I contact my Gp for an appointment I may get one the same day if it is very urgent but usually have to wait three weeks - last year ended up at a & e bcause Gp couldn't see me for 4 hrs and I had a serious infection: ended up in hospital for 3 weeks with three operations to clear the infection then one month of daily iv antibiotics at local hospital :-(
And 2 months more of oral antibiotics until specialists said ‘enough’....
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That's disgraceful Toorak.

x x x

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