Strange, is it not, that there should be so many conflicting opinions when all of Christendom’s religions claim to get support for their doctrines from one harmonious book, the Holy Bible? Surely the Bible is not so vague or confusing on these issues as are the theories and philosophies of men, nor is it divided into as many conflicting opinions regarding the place and state of the dead. In fact, the Bible is in perfect harmony on this subject.
// In fact, the Bible is in perfect harmony on this subject. //
erm like - and eye for an eye is in harmony with - forgive them - they know not what they do
yeah right -
old testament - old covenant - new testament new convenant
you wouldnt need a new one if it was in harmony with the old....
come on I did this in R.E. at age 14
Yet again goodlife asks a 'Question' that does not even make sense !
goodlife, can you actually ask a question by using a form of words that actually makes it possible to answer !!
You really are doing your 'Cause' a LOT of harm with your inarticulate
incomprehencible ramblings!!
What is happiness? Lexicographers, philosophers, atheist and theologians have been trying to define it for centuries. But they have not provided a definition that meets with unanimous approval. The Encyclopædia Britannica admits: “‘Happiness’ is one of the most elusive of words.” Happiness apparently means different things to different people, depending upon their outlook on life. (Luke 11:28)
Obviously Goodlife. And sometimes you can surprise yourself and be made happy by things you had previously discounted and realise that things you thought would make you happy don't matter, we ever ebb and flow, just mooch along to it and it's all fine x