Our Yorkshire Farm in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Our Yorkshire Farm

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Caran | 23:24 Tue 28th Jul 2020 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
Watching this with the nine children on the farm made me think. They are all aware from a very early age of the facts of life. They see the mating and birth of all the farm animals.
Such a difference from my early life.
I asked mum where do babies come from when I was 11/12 she said I'll tell you when you are older. I learned from school.
When she sort of told me about periods she didn't tell me where I would bleed from. So I was constantly looking all over my body, arms legs everywhere looking for bleeding.
She was so embarrassed regarding life's intimacies it was a real problem.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Caran my Mum didn't even tell me about periods, so that came as a shock.
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Gosh, I bet it did!
Hopefully this avoidance of parenting doesn't happen so much these days.
I don't think it's avoidance. More likely discomfort about discussing a topic they have been taught to be private and are embarrassed about. I know my mum never really explained anything to me...it only got mentioned once when she was still under the influence of anaesthesia after an operation.
I was raised as a Catholic. One evening I was given a book called My Dear Daughter to read. I was told I could ask questions if I needed to.
The whole class had been given one and we sorted it out between ourselves re periods. Extracts similar to .... you may not touch a boy after this time... were not a great help!
Sex education came from biology in secondary school at 12.
My mum was great she answered every question I asked without embarrassment. We discussed things in detail. A very modern Mum in every respect back in the 50s 60s.
Away from the subject, but the little girl Clementine is enchanting. All the kids are great though. A lovely family. I congratulate the parents.
when I was 12 ish my mum said "they teach you all that at school now don't they" and walked off! Facts of life as it was called thn

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