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Apologies For Absence Of ‘Good Morning’ Thread For Past Few Days……..

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Smowball | 12:54 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

I woke up perfectly fine bout 6 am Thursday - within 30 mins I had a blinding headache and was vomiting. Have been vomiting for 48 hours now but seems to have stopped a couple of hours ago now. Feel like I've been hit by a bus & have pulled every muscle in my stomach. Absolutely no idea why, but can't believe how quickly it came on, whatever it was. Still have headache, just not as bad. Still just drinking water as not eaten since Wednesday. Not a way to lose weight that I'd recommend : (

Hooe everyone is ok x



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That is unpleasant. It sounds like a bug or something you ate. Keep warm and comfortable and it should clear in a day or so. Likewise last week i had also had a bad  stomach and diarrhoea and it cleared in one day.

Sorry you've not been well, smow.  I thought you'd be cuddling that baby by now.

Sorry to read that, Smow, especially when you were so looking forward to your trip to Devon.  Perhaps you need to see a medical adviser if headache persists - have you been taking any new medication recently?  Good wishes x

Awww, you poor thing, I hope you feel better really soon :)


Hope you are quickly better, Smow

Oh gosh Smow, weren't you meant to be going down to Devon yesterday? I'm so sorry you're having such a bad time.  I hope your husband is there to look after you and not away on business. Thinking of you.

I'm sorry to see that you've been poorly, Smow & I hope you feel better very soon x

Oh that's  rotten luck, smow. Glad it's stopped now and you can get yourself better soon x

Oh no, we thought you were away for baby cuddles. Hope you feel better soon 

Fingers crossed for you.  Don't worry about us - you'll be back.  :)

Sorry to hear that Smow, hope the headache clears up soon and the vomiting has gone for good. Take care.

Hope you're on the road to recovery, Smow

Sounds like Norovirus. I remember when I had it it came on so fast. In the morning I was fine, and then suddenly pow !


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