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Benfieldside Cd 21/09 Coastal Resorts Of Uk

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matron 22 | 15:41 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

11. Is there a joker near (6)

3. Cover Charlie's mistress in baubles (8)

thanks for any help



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The answers trace a route around the UK coast, so which resorts do they lie between as that helps narrow it down, please?

3 Beadnell ?

Beadnell looks good. I'd been working on the wrong Charlie

Question Author

Thankyou. I had Beadnell written down but wasn't sure.

Number 11 is betweenSandsend and Robin Hoods Bay


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Can you explain why Whitby is answer please apart from it's obvious location. Thankyou

whit sound like wit ( joker)

by = near

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Benfieldside Cd 21/09 Coastal Resorts Of Uk

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