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Coldstream Quiz In Aid Of Border Ice Rink Ladies Section

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hops | 15:23 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
38 Answers

the theme of the quiz is winter sports and winter activities and the answers run alphabetically, i am stuck on 4

[1]   it would take less than a billion gouda to construct [5,2,5]

this answer starts with b or c

[2] by thwacking scones alf showed he was doing it wrong [8,10]

this answer also starts with b or c

[3] almost sounds like hard metal followed curs and dried grapes [3,4,6]

this answer starts with either d,e,f,g or h]

[4] in confusion english now solve [with no echo] how to clean pathways [10,4]

this answer starts with an s

any help would be appreciated



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I was going to suggest looking atanagram-solver.netto help you solve things but another helpful person has supplied the answer.
16:09 Sun 04th Aug 2024

Is this the quiz that was issued yesterday?

1 is an anagram of build an igloo 

4 Is an anagram of English now solv

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hello again madgeorge no

Must have been the day before then.

Closing date 30th September.

You forgot to mention that.

3 maybe dog sled racing. Sounds like lead = hard metal following dogs - and then racing sounding like raisins?

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hello, madgeorge , can i call you mad for short, it was over a week ago now and still stuck on 4, can you help

fresh paragraph for scorpio,snowshoeing is an anagram of what you said but the answer is [10,4] and i can't find another answer, the answer is between sh and sk

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thank -you romanski, that is why i needed help, i don't think i would have got that

I did not give any answers.

4 Shovelling snow

I was going to suggest looking at

to help you solve things but another helpful person has supplied the answer.

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thank-you petland

are you able to solve the remaining two george, don,t worry i know you didn't supply any answers, you never do but i bet you know the answer to one if not both, anybody that could work out the sequential order of the benfieldside quiz deserves some sort of respect

4 shovelling snow  ang english now solve -E

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scorpio, is build an igloo the answer?


2 Catching Snowflakes

(anagram thwacking scones alf)

Sorry, hops ..obviously I should have says it's an anagram of billion Gouda 🙄

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thank you jj and scorpio

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sorry, i missed one out,

primarily agility crosses right over straight kick in balletic display [7 letters] 

the answer starts with an a or before ban

I got my copy on Friday!

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i got one last monday tuvok, never again!

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Coldstream Quiz In Aid Of Border Ice Rink Ladies Section

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