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Microsoft Solitaire Daily Challenge

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barry1010 | 16:03 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

Has anyone managed to do the Klondike?

Stuck and need a hint.  This might be the first to beat me 



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There is a 59 second video on YouTube with the result
16:16 Sun 04th Aug 2024

There is a 59 second video on YouTube with the result

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Thank you 

It took me 2 attempts today - I've just gone back & I remembered, don't play the 4S+3D to the 5H, wait for the 4C to come in from the top.  Don't play the 5H+4C+3H, wait for the 5D to play to the 6C in the left-most column.

Oh ok 😞

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Microsoft Solitaire Daily Challenge

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