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fruitsalad | 14:30 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
11 Answers

Mr Fruit fell about 5ft off some scaffolding he was in hospital overnight with a gash to the head, some stitches dislocation of acromioclavicar joint, and has a small subarachnoid haemorrhage,  they sent him home with paracetamol to take 2 4 times a day, its not touching the pain, I have emailed the gp surgery to see if they can give him something stronger, but obviously they won't pick that up until tomorrow, he's on simvastin, rampril and bisoprolol, the question I want to ask is anyone else on the same medication and takes a stronger painkiller, I take cocodomol and Naproxen for my joint pain, but am not sure if he could have one or 2 of those.



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could you have a word with a duty chemist ?

He can take ibuprofen as well as the paracetamol 

Question Author

I was also just a bit worried about the brain bleed, does ibroufen thin the blood 

Ibuprofen slows down blood clotting time.  It also can lower blood pressure if taken with Ramipril.

Ring 111 for advice.  

With the sub arach it would be bad practice to give pain killers that might make a person drowsy. Anything with codeine could do this.  If the haemorrhage extended it might get missed until it was too late.  

Question Author

I took your advice, barry, and phoned 111 just waiting for a call back thanks guys.

Good call. Mr M takes similar drugs and is advised again Ibuprofen so always best to call for advice. If you don't get an adequate solution and it persists then go to A&E.

so, OK what did they all tell you

and what did you actually do?

Question Author

PP they told me to go to the gp, which I did,  on the Monday, gp gave him Cocodomol, which has helped.

I didnt wanna say  that codeine is used in neuro-surgical units as god there are some ABers ready to jump down my throat over god know what

( round worm infestation treated by fenbendazole in dogs!)

sozza - there are times when one can bear the onslaught of the mods, and others where you say oh sad it

hope he is out of pain. 

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