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Blood Test

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JinnyJoan | 10:04 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
2 Answers

I got a blood test with a nurse and now have received a letter from the surgery asking me to phone up for a routine appointment with a GP.

What does this mean.  Routine     =-   thanks



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Good Morning,

Probably just wants to follow up on the tests results, check your pressure, discuss your ongoing medical problems.  Just a routine appointment.

If it was anything urgent you would of received a phonecall asking you to make an appointment straight away.


Probably one of the results has drifted to the high side of normal, they will probably arrange to recheck it.  As has been said if it was anything major you would have had a phone call.  But make sure you do go, it's easy to think it's probably nothing and forget about it.

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