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megfitz | 12:50 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Arts & Literature
6 Answers

I was leant a book ( in hospital) it was a murder mystery set in an  historical English village where a female auctioneer  and her divorced husband helped the local bluff policeman solve the murder .

I  understand it is one of a series and really enjoyed it but cannot now remember the Authors name. 
Any suggestions please .




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Death At the Auction (?)
12:56 Thu 22nd Aug 2024

M c beaton?

Try the 'Thursday Murder Club' by Richard Osman. There are a series of 4 books.

Question Author

YES !thank youso much, EC Bateman , I read no 2 so now have a library reservation for nos 1&3.

I'm glad I could help, megfitz 😊

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