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Children's Television Programmes That An Adult Might Watch.

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sandyRoe | 04:20 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
57 Answers

Blue Peter, Magpie, and The Magic Roundabout, are ones I'd sometimes watch.

Are there any others you liked ?



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Tales of the River Bank, Noggin the Nog, Thomas the Tank

I likvampire ducked Count Duckula in the 80s a cartoon about a vegetarian vampire duck

The Simpsons 

Hit the wrong button somewhere!

All the gerry anderson series


Original Magic Roundabout

The Clangers


When I finished night shifts breakfast and a Pokemon fix, but that's a while ago now.

HOW. but of course I was 50 years or more younger then

Willo the Wisp

Horrible Histories

 Was Thomas a Transformer?

Anyway, Magic Roundabout back in the day and Pingu with the kids.

Hong Kong Phooey

Johnny Bravo and the original Pingu.

Horrible histories is great, I have really got into Bluey recently as my little granddaughter likes it

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I remember How.  One of the presenters, Jack Hargreaves, I think, went on to present a programme on the countryside.  Though that wasn't directed at children.

Sandy, we watch Jack Hargreaves country programmes on YouTube now and again.  Gentle, slow motion tv

Anything narrated by Johnny Morris - such a soothing voice.

And of course Magic Roundabout.

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