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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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ToraToraTora | 18:14 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers

Q: In transport IET stands for Intercity Express what?

A: Transport!




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Nah!   the answer is 'Trolls' or 'Tits'.....


Why pick this as a 'They Walk Amongst Us' moment?

I know the answer is incorrect, but it wasn't a ridiculous responce.

Come on TTT ... you're slipping!

-- answer removed --

TTT 'Stop trolling, idiot, just ignore if these are beyond you.'

I was commenting on your post, if that's trolling., then so be it! You call me an idiot, well if that makes you feel superior, go for it. I understand it takes one to know one.

I shall do now what a lot of my fellow ABers are doing, and that is to just ignore your pathetic ramblings.

Should I ever respond to you in future then you can rightly call me an idiot.

You have problems which I think you actually already know.

End of.

Children, children! Do stop falling out and behave more like grownups!

Question Author

"I shall do now what a lot of my fellow ABers are doing, and that is to just ignore your pathetic ramblings." - If only.

Question Author

These are meant to be a light hearyed giggle, why do some  get so upset? Perhaps they recognise themselves in the silly answers.


Question Author

"Should I ever respond to you in future then you can rightly call me an idiot" - I'll call you what I like when I like. You feel brave because we are not in proxmity.

TTT, please don't type when you're angry, you make too many spelling mistakes.

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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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