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Another Riddle!

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ktlou | 18:37 Fri 21st Apr 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers

Billy is an evacuee. He gets put on the train in London.The ticket round his neck says he should get off in Devon. However, when the train reaches Cornwall (it's final stop) - Billy is still on the train.




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Conceivably because almost all train station signs, along with road signs, were taken down during WWII to make life harder for invading Germans.
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interesting but wrong!
Billy is a goat and he has eaten the ticket ?
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Very good dinkypuzzled!

Here's a harder one for you, ktlou.

Antony is lying on the floor but there is no sign of Cleopatra. There is some broken glass on the floor and a puddle of water. Explain.

Someone knocked over the goldfish bowl

Well done don1.

I kinda get the feelin' that the brakes have failed !!
Question Author
sorry Dinkypuzzled, had already heard of the Goldfish one - although I always thought they were Romeo and Juliet!!

Beerbelly - brakes failed????
So whats the answer?!

bug123 - Antony was a cat, Cleopatra a goldfish. Antony had knocked over the goldfish bowl and disposed of Cleopatra. Hence broken glass and puddle of water.

ktlou - I think beerbelly fears a flood of puzzles will ensue.

Did Billy get on West of Cornwall?
Ignore my previous question, I hadn't read back far enough lol

"Billy" the evacuee, got off in Devon. The train (named Billy) continued on to the terminus!

Hey Dinkypuzzled! I understood the Antony/Cleopatra one - it was the Billy one! But thanks anyway!! :o)

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