This is the latest ive ever been on ab,weaning myself off fluoxitine heebeegeebees has set in and "i cant get no sleep" I found myself, askin myself,! what can i do to relax any suggestions?
to relax. Well, i'd suggest reading a nice book. Or what i do, close your eyes in a dark room, have music on low and just think nice thoughts, i often fall asleep that way. Always works for me when i need to relax.
cleaned the oven, topped up the pond, ironed, listened to sister for an hour, dusted,hoovered, cleaned mirrors windows taps, bog,bath, sinks all sparklin .....on voddy now is that wrong have guilt im drinkin on a wed. night !!!!
scruffs, Are you using the Prozac liquid for weaning? Its much easier as you can reduce by smaller amounts thus allieviating any anxiety and also insomnia. You could get a bach rescue remedy to aid sleep or your GP could prescribe sleeping pills short term. Kay.
Ave a art peeps, Its not easy withdrawing from any SSRI. Its on a par with heroin withdrawal,only difference being the takers of prescribed AD's are not allowed a daily dose of Methadone,,sigh.
kat , thankyou didnt know there was a liquid form. never been able to quit anythin straight away lol, should have known, thats worth talkin to mr. doctorman about xx
Scruffs, Five Flower Essence is the remedy for insomnia. you can use it as spray or tincture. I know lots of peeps who are on sleeping pills due to withdrawal from ssri's. Good luck. Kay.
Insomnia (sleeplessness) is due to stress, dietary and medical problems. By making small lifestyle changes like having a fixed daily routine, relaxing and eating properly, insomnia can be cured. I found the information at useful for getting sleep.