Fair enough carrot99 - believe you me I struggled with fractions as well.
If you take a number that is smaller than one, 1/2 for example and say I want to find a 1/2 of 2, the answer is going to be less than 2. Similarly, 2/5 of 3/5 cannot end in a result that is bigger than 3/5, which 2/3 is. To work out this sum multiply the numerators (the numbers at the top of the fractions) together and then multiply the denominators (the numbers at the bottom of the fractions together - 2x3 is 6 (so the answer will be six somethings); 5x5 is 25 so the somethings is 25ths - and so your answer is 6/25, or six twentyfifths.
Anyway, I'm off to do something else. I hope this helps but if not, perhaps someone who is better at explaining these things will be around.