Welcome to this second week in the reign of Princess Pauline, who has yet another exciting game lined up for you tomorrow, when I hope to meet Pauline in person. A number of ABers are meeting up at Stockport and I feel that it's too good an opportunity to let slip. This meeting should have no repercussions on this week's Links games which should be "business as usual". The posting should open at 8.45am and the four words to be linked should be declared at 9.00am tomorrow, when MM Links kicks off in earnest.
Also look out for the international version of this same game is called KM Links, which has been designed for "Insomniacs Anonymous" and kicks off at the unearthly hour of about 06.30am! Keeping the rabble in check will be seekeerz (hopefully with PC problems fixed) and hails all the way from Oz to collate the entries and keep score. Why not chance your arm at both Link Games?
Tonight is the Quiz Night at the local cricket club (in which I am a mere punter) so I'll keep it short.
Wish me luck for the Quiz tonight and the Stockport Trip tomorrow!
Hi Laney as I am the only one still sober I will reply. Yes it's a pity you didn't come tonight, Sarumite and Pauline are very merry!!!!! so I am just doing a bit of crochet to pass the time. I hope you have a better journey than me, if you do get lost when you get nearby DON'T rng Pauline. She doesn't know where she lives!!!!!
Kay are you crocheting a shawl ready for the winer nights?
If we get lost shall I ring for your assistance? I am sorry to hear that the others are in such a state i looks as if you will be doing all the clearing up tonight!!!
Message for Gen2 ......just read your message on AB.Hope you had a nice walk, glad you have found some pringles. Apparently where you are staying is where Pauline sent me when I was trying to find her house!!!!
If you wake in the night you can always go across the road and buy food !!!!!!!!
It's been very quiet on here tonight, we have missed some of the regulars, especially Strix with his music.
Gen2 I think Sarumite is still going to be on the computer as he has one in his bedroom.
Strix if you see this fancy letting us down for music tonight of all nights!!!!