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colinhrpr | 18:28 Tue 13th Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
I have a problem getting a question posted every time I go to submit the page comes up that its unavailable what is my problem


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Well, you manage to post this one.

The site can be glitchy. Just try again.
Question Author
thanks I realised it worked that time lets hope it works when I have a real question
We get the same when answering as well - you answer a question, press submit, and the question has disappeared. Try to avoid question titles that are vague as I think there is some process to avoid duplicate posts - whatever it is it doesn't work and it causes a lt of hassle.
This has happened no less than 5 times to day,
so I give up, it took me ages to get on to the site
to start with today, I eventually give up.

WILL THIS GO THROUGH ~ I wonder, fingers
and toes crossed.

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