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MM & KM Links January 2009 [Week 5]

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crofter | 19:07 Fri 30th Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
34 Answers
I am running late so I'll keep it brief. We are now approaching Week 5, at the end of the glorious reign of Queen Meg. Recall that this week I shall be looking for the next setter who can strike a reasonable compromise between "predictive skills" and "fresh blood". There are several contenders who will stand close examination!

As usual, the words to be linked will be posted on AB at 9.00 (sharp) and many bonus points are picked off during the first five minutes of play! You need also to look out for the sister game (called KM Links) that kicks off around 07.00am depending on whoever is first to solve the Herculis Crossword in The Daily Telegraph! That can be a bit of a variable feast, but it attracts many entries and scores can be much higher. That truly international version of the Links Game is watched over by "the Hostess with the Mostest" in the form of seekeerz (from the Land of Oz). She takes responsibility for keeping law and order, and seeing that fair play prevails. She will process each prediction and maintain the League Table for the KM Links.

Me? I'm crofter keeper of the scores for MM Links for my sins and I process the predictions and maintain the League Tables for the parallel game.

Good luck for tomorrow, when you will have to tune into the final round to take up the ultimate challenge. Will she adopt the role of Queen Meg, Mystic Meg or Sceptic Peg? Only time will tell! What I can tell you is that Queen Meg is not as "squeaky clean" as she first appears! Be prepared for a big surprise tomorrow as we are made privy to a "skeleton in the cupboard"!



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gosh that is hard to choose Kay
have just looked at my play list on the laptop
not even sure there is one I could pick from them
lets go with
Lovely song, Jan.

For me, forgetting pop music for a moment, it would be this (but not this recording): ture=related
don't normally go for the classics, nearest I get to them is watching Inspector Morse!
We did like Vivaldi four seasons but that was due to watching Rallying a few years ago.
The pills are kicking in, so I am off to bed.
However I will leave you with this song, it is over 20 years old but, all too sadly, the words are as relevant now as they were then. Listen to all of it before you pass judgement.

Night night and, DV, see you all in the morning after seekeerz and cliffyg have done their bit!! :-)
night strix, great song well worth listening to
sorry I haven't been around for a while but had 2 phone calls and they were both people who can talk for England!!!! but they have both made me laugh!!!
Jan just listened to your song. I haven't heard it before but it was lovely. Am just trying to decide what is my favourite
Sorry...they are gone...and I will be soon! I am **ackered!
Miss Meg...please give me some hints...I have been rubbish this month! :-((
Jan if you are still around my choice has to be this. Although I love loads of songs this was our song. ure=related
and now a bit of class. My clasical choice is....... ure=related

Hi Paulne are you still there???
Well ....I am going to have an early night after a long see you all in the morning!

I hope you all stay warm...and happy linking!
Not for long Kay....
Goodnight Pauline,think I had better turn in too or I will be talking to myself..........not unusual for me!!!!
Goodnight anyone else, sweet dreams
Was going to say always do!! Goodnight all.

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MM & KM Links January 2009 [Week 5]

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