Mad Over 50's Club in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Mad Over 50's Club

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Jan1957 | 20:32 Sat 16th May 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
272 Answers
It was a tight squeeze but I've got through the back window. Ladyalex must have left it open last week. In you come everyone. Just hope no one saw me and called the police!!
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Hiya Jan. Hope you are running all the usual events. draw, drinks. lost property cupboard. .....
Hello Jan, you gem. Thanks for opening up for me. Good job I left the window open.
youve not let them lads out from understairs i hope
I won't be needing the crowbar then. Oh well - any Horlicks in the draw this week?
what colour number are the draw tickets this week
hope no one minds but ive invited a male voice choir who were practising in the village hall as i passed by
Does anyone have a shoehorn they can lend me ?
Mamyalynne how's Quentin?

raffle looks good doesn't it? elasticated stockings oohh a pink hair net and some what is that - dried egg powder??

Alex have you got the pills for those who need them?

I'm just nipping into the kitchen to get the tea urn started

Tenors and basses...are they wearing blazers ?
And flannels ?
And all the same tie ?
mamyalynne they are pink - they are always pink except when they are not pink

Jan hot pants look good
I left the pills in the kitchen last week, I think...or was it under the stairs with the rugby boys...
This male voice choir - are they in uniform by any chance?
OOh did i win a quentin wonder where i put him

Ladyalex you arent trying to get into those 6" stilettos again you know what the doctor said
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Are we deciding tonight where the next outing is to? I vote for Brighton. We can go on the nudey beach!
No, not stilettos, the shoehorn is for other purposes.

I vote for a nudey beach
yes there was a bit of brass on their navy blue tunics don`t know if they will bring their own flannels tho but i still have a spare pack of tenas has been a good week
shoehorn other purposes aaah
tooooodloooooo,i'm here
Lady alex is the beach for us to be voyeurs. I wont be disrobing for fear of frightening the horses.
oh that sand though

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