You poor thing, sprax.....Don't you get really confused ?
I hope they don't make me change my name.
I wouldn't know where to start....ladylexa, perhaps ? It's not the same, though...
i hope the chickens haven't been after all the cleaning that me & the bus boys did this morning,the stray hippo's came back & coursed merry havok.hope someone found the wenslydale & pickled eggs
Oh no, not the hippo again....I thought we had seen the last of him.
Where does he come from. I'm sure the Home for the Bewildered have something to do with this.
Anyway, raffle prizes tonight include several rain-mates (pink spotted), a pack of Tenas and some Frairs' Balsam for the cold.
just got back from pink squirral &nut,so may've mistaken which feathered frolicas they were,waiting on the new specs,carrier pidgeons had abusy week,may use pony express next time
I'm struggling a bit with this site....
However, I think petal may be confusing pheasants with clarify, pheasants are delicious game birds, whereas peasants are revolting.
Glad you accepted the wage increase so graciously mamya.....That's what I like about old-fashioned retainers, they pay up without whining.