Mamya, have you been a little inebriated all week ??
I ask because lordalex and the butler have done a cellar check this week and it seems that some of the vintage port and old brandy are unaccounted for..........and we weren't here last week to keep a check on it/you all
all was pretty tidy when i came in to tidy up,having had help reaching the cobwebs,+ the floor got a good polish from the ballet ,or was that belly dancing,last weekend
Yes that's max with the saddle - his favourite tv show is mr ed not bonanza - that's a bit violent - who's next for catback rides - any crochetted canapes I'm starving
Milady I did apologise earlier this evening about the cellar incident, I mistakeny thought that as the bottles were dusty and old they were of no importance - deduct it from whatever if ever my wages are
Mi'lady, for your information we had little in the way of alchoholic beverages last week and we only ate from the chippy. We know nothing about a wine cellar or an upper lesser lounge. Hope this clarifies things.
You wouldn't be bending the truth just a little, Miss Meg ?
I'm afraid Mamya will have to come out of retirement and take up her job again. ther are financial advantaged , you know. She can pay me her pension as well as her salary. Good idea methinks