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Mad over Fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 20:11 Sat 31st Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
141 Answers
Good evening all, the Club is now open.

Many apologies for the slightly late opening. I was delayed by having to search for my little cat. (Now safely home.)

Any raffle donations will be welcome as always.


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lets dook for apples and we can tie they treacly scones up and try and bite them?
i hope the paper work for these 'doos' are up todate,heard we may get a visit from health & safety re the vicar falling in the cellar
off now to collect toadstools with Ivan the Terrible
oh in Lankyshire we bob fer apples and have parkin cake slurp but by any name what fun

Lets have another bevie first tho! am delirious with excitement
I didn't know toads had tools, can you borrow their screwdrivers!
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Well, the party is going with a swing tonight.
Treacly scones, dooking for apples, parkin and toad's tools.....not to mention black peas and mushy rooms.
Is there a prize for best outfit?

Is so lovely to have you back milady and lud (sorry Igor)
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Thank you so much, mamya, what a lovely idea. What did you have in mind as a kind of you to donate it .
erm well I do have some Tinsel trimmed earrings I was saving for christmas, would they do?
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I'll donate some last year's black bun as a second prize.
'whiskey in the jarro'
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Are you giving us your party piece, slinky ? or was that a donation for a prize ?
Just arrived, got pulled over on my broomstick by the police helicopter. Took down all my Particulars(very embarrasing) and let me off with a caution when I told them where I was going Ladyalex hope you caught up with your lagging jet ok
There se?em to be a few newcomers in here tonite. Have the bewildered lot crept in in fancy dress?
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Welcome, alexanderd. Wondered where you had got to.
Thanks I'm all caught up with the jet now, but your broomstick sounds a bit swift.
Did the police give you your particulars back ?
If not, lodge a protest.
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Please calm yourself, Miss Meg. The doormen have been specially trained in Tai Chi to repel anyone from the Bewildered Home.
That lot are so bewildered that they would not know about dressing up.
If any do get through, however, we'll put them to apple dookin (or bobbing if you come from Lankysheer). That should keep them occupied.
yes Ladyalex the nice policeman helped me replace them all. If we are having a raffle I have a couple of tea-cosies(can be used as hats when the winter arrives) can I have a tailcock please Mamy itwas very cold on my broomstick, something long and hot please
Hiya alex do you want to borrow a cloak to cover up your exposed particulars and I hope you`ve parked that souped up broom correctly , have a drink to get over the shock
Thanks Mamy that hit the spot, broomstick parked according to rules and i have removed the starter in case anyone from the home for the bewildered tries to steal it.I think there may be a few of them about tonight
Daughter back at Uni & left packets of white sherbert....called Gummy-rubs - would you like them for the raffle?

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