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Mad over fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 21:01 Sat 06th Nov 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
234 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Thankfully, things are back to normal chez alex as far as t'internet is concerned and I am delighted to once again welcome members to the Club

Please make yourselves comfortable and I'm sure Matron will be along very soon with the usual delicious array of drinks and nibbles. (I have put in a special request for mini toffee apples this week, being so close to bonfire night.)

Talking of toffee apples, there is a bucket of dentures in the lower , smaller bathroom. All members are asked to check in case they have left theirs here on a previous visit. No double dipping, one fitting only.


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Welcome, Drb...sorry you felt you had to wait.
We welcome anyone here. The age restriction can be overlooked as long as you are mad...and if you apply to join, then that is evidence enough.

Sorry to hear that you've been hexed...Halloween can go too far nowadays.
Marjorie and I were going to donate a couple of fillet steaks this evening, bought from the Chatsworth Farm Shop, but fate took us into stoke on trent, a birthday of a friend. We were at a loss as to what to get for dinner this evening, and noticed a large Asda sign. We visited and bought a couple of pre-packed rib-eye steaks. We can honestly say that it was the greatest waste of money ever, they were absolute rubbish, tasteless, utterley bland, you could not even recognise that you were eating beef. May god strike us down if ever we set foot in an Asda again. We thought our local co-op supermarket in Bakewell was poor, but the steak from Asda plumbed new depths. Prudentia xxx
Ladyalex I only had the one bee I am now starting a collection of flutterbies but there dont seem to be any around at the moment
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Oh well, it was worth a chance.

Welcome, Prudentia...sorry about Asda.
Welcome dr b - you had better be prepared to be called anything but dr b! Hoping you have recovered from your birthday celebrations? Waste of time after 2 of matron's tailcocks. Alex - my dear - how lovely to see you - trust you are in tip top form tonight?
Good evening ladies, sane, sober, drunken, mad...

I brought along some gifts for the bran tub. They all are vegetables wrapped in cheese cloth but don't tell anyone what they are. I think the cheese cloth in which they are wrapped is a good disguise and a cleverly misleading idea too . As usual I cannot stay so I'm running along... x
TTFN sorry you have turned your ankle, would you like me to massage it for you?
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So nice to see you again, Society, if only fleetingly.....

Thanks youso much for the veg...sounds like soup tomorrow !
My stay will be brief as we are off soon to theater (or "theatre") and dinner. I will try to avoid black cats, which may make my hex even worse. My birthday was low key, as the 50th should be.
Alex - I .......... thuddddddddddddddd
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Sorry it's such a flying visit, b. (Hope I may call you b).
What delight are they offering you at the theatre ?
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What's happened to Ena ?

Has she fainted with delight at the thought of a massage from ALex ?

Or do I see the hand of Matron here ?
just remembered I brought some Catherine wheels for the raffle must have fallen off Catherines bike I think
Sorry - felt a little faint there. dr b - low key? I fair bolted on my 50th - whenever it will be. Hellow Prudentia - I could just murder a decent ribeye right now. One learns by experience though so don't let it worry you my dear
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So many lady friends, Alex, so many........
sorry dr b - forgot to wish you a pleasant evening at the theatre - not surgical I pray.
Hello and goodnight dr bee and soclity cat, Prudenture those steaks look delicious
You reminded me milady - how is his ludship - other than spoken for? Alex do come a llittle closer and tell me how your last 2 weeks have been :o)
We are seeing the world premiere of a play called "High" starring the formerly lovely but still talented Kathleen Turner. Apparently they are going to practice on us before the play goes to Broadway.

ttfn. (Er, "ta ta for now", as opposed to, you know, THAT ttfn.)
Night d Bee and give my best to Kathleen

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