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Mad over fifties CLub

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ladyalex | 21:01 Sat 06th Nov 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
234 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Thankfully, things are back to normal chez alex as far as t'internet is concerned and I am delighted to once again welcome members to the Club

Please make yourselves comfortable and I'm sure Matron will be along very soon with the usual delicious array of drinks and nibbles. (I have put in a special request for mini toffee apples this week, being so close to bonfire night.)

Talking of toffee apples, there is a bucket of dentures in the lower , smaller bathroom. All members are asked to check in case they have left theirs here on a previous visit. No double dipping, one fitting only.


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evening all, now we know where milady and alexander slipped off to try to recruit new members, A Coastal Town http://www.theanswerb...Question953677-2.html
On my way Ena shove along the bench
O tisk that was the wrong link........... borro......
Ooh you are lucky dr b - Kathleen Turner - not heard of her in a while - enjoy :o)
btw - one of my party pieces is a fine impersonation of Ethel Merman - fair make your spine tingle
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Bye Bye , b

Enjoy Kathleen and perhaps you could encourage her to join us all here one night ?...well afternoon for you I guess.
Understood Boxy, di you not get the clues then, do have a drink bet its chilly in Blackpool
Hang on a mo - am I confusing Joan Sutherland with Kathleen Turner now? Alex - might I prevail upon you for another tockcail please? And what is with this 'shove along the bench'? Have you been watching some awful movie today? You are normally so erudite and charming - quite Nivenish.
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I hope not, Ena....Joan Sutherland is no more and Kathleen Turner is apparently on stage tonight......
alex.....................your halo has slipped.ttfn is affronted .
I'm here, more confused than ever.
Are we going to Blackpool, do I need my snorkel?
I will buy some rock for the raffle.
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If we are going anywhere, it will be Torquay.
No I'm rubbish at the moment milady, can't see a thing for all this cordite-y smoke in the street
Jolly good, bit warmer down there.
anne - not so much affronted as slightly surprised! Evening boxy - you need a goldfish bowl on your head - soon sort that problem out for you. Hello miss meg - how nice to see you. Rock and toffee apples - where are the milk sops please? Joan I s dead milady? Thuddddddddddddddddddddd
ttfn my apogolies I was forgetting my manners
We have been invited to Torq... whatever it was for new year, pray god can someone out there please tell me they have no Asda. Prudentia xxx
Thank you dear Alex. Have you been to any more studio visits lately?
TTfn went to see Bryan Adams last week and going to see Michael Bolton on tuesday then John Williams the week after!!
Good for you Alex - you must be buying into a better raffle than the one here ;o)

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Mad over fifties CLub

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