Every time this shows, it prompts people to ask the same questions that have been answered many, many times before.
Some excellent resources to answer any question you think you might have about the moon landing can be found in one of these sites;
or Mythbusters
or even Michael Shermer on the Fox documentary very similar to the one thats been shown several times now on C5.
Lunar Module landing - How come no blast crater, and how come enough dust left to leave a clearly visible astronauts footprint in dust close to the lander?
Yes, the LLM had a engine rated 10000 lbs/f thrust. That was its maximum rating. Full throttle was applied high up from the surface to slow the descent. The last few metres - where dust on the surface might be affected - was under around 25% thrust, throttled back still further as they came closer to touchdown. Add to that that the plume dissipates much more rapidly and much more widely in a vacuum than under earths atmosphere, and there really was very little downward thrust applied - certainly not enough to create a blast crater.
As far as the dust is concerned - there is only actually a couple of inches of dust on the surface. So the LLM did disturb this, but dust behaves very differently in the lunar environment - vacuum, 1/6 earths gravity, no winds or atmosphere - so it fell straight back down again. Hence dust being around to allow for a footprint.
Flag Fluttering - Lots of genuine reasons to account for this. Firstly, the design of the flagpole itself. A telescoping vertical pole - and a telescoping horizontal one, at the top of the flag. Deploying this using a very lighweight nylon flag, which under 1/6 gravity stays "wrinkled" longer, coupled with inertial momentum imparted from driving the vertical flagpole into the ground and extending the horizontal arm explain this.
These are not new questions. These are not "smoking gun" observations. They are examples of people misapprehending basic physics in an alien environment - and you cannot get much more alien than a 1/6 gravity dusty ball of rock in a vacuum :)