Today three major Pressed Steel factories are still in operation. The Cowley plant is now where BMW's Mini is assembled, known as Plant Oxford. At the old Swindon plant the BMW subsidiary Swindon Pressings Limited, or Plant Swindon, produces parts for the new Mini. Lastly, Pressed Steel's former factory in Castle Bromwich now forms part of Jaguar's main assembly plant.
Can I ask Bazile to be more specific about the green colour? Is it a change of colour of the paint or is it a coating which can be washed off? I suspect he was referring to the latter in which case, as Chipchopper suggested, it's probably algae. My caravan gets green in places over the winter but it can be washed off.
I think it's just wind-carried spores. Depending on how you define "a while" it may not be too difficult to get off. Our caravan is left out all winter and the algae tends to be mainly on the north side. After the few months of winter it comes off with normal shampoo with a little help from a toothbrush in some nooks and crannies. If the car has been sat for a long time it might be more difficult.