Can someone explain the différance (if any) between water lettuce and water hyacinth, both seem to be able to reproduce like gremlins in waterways, so are they considered an invasive species, can they be useful in biomass for example.
Just a random thought that drifted into my mind
It was a film starring Harry Enfield and Kathy Burke. Very funny and I surprised myself that I actually enjoyed it. The two main stars were swimming in the sea in Ibezia and were planning their disco debut into DJaying when a large turd floated towards them. It was like jaws as they scrambled out of its way and headed for the beach.Quite crude but funny.
I can't really help with the difference between the two other than saying hyacinth grows up as well as out and likes sun. Lettuce is susceptible to cold and prefers shade. I bought some water lettuce for my quite small garden pond not realising how they multiplied and was forever hauling bits out.