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Has Anyone Had Sinus Surgery?

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bluefortress | 16:40 Sat 21st Dec 2024 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

I have chronic sinus inflammatory disease, if I dont take nasal steroids daily I get congestion, rhinitis and polyps. I have been offered sinus surgery including septoplasty, turninate reduction, ethmoidectomy and otehr stuff where they open all sinuses. 

I have never been in hospital or had surgery before so am scared (plus im prone to fainting- scared i wont agndle it mentally) I feel a bit crazy for going for it all done but part of me wants to. 

Another ent who doesn't  specialise in sinuses as much said i dont need surgery as the meds keep them quite clear. I have the option of just getting a tirbunate done under local ansthetic

I don't know what to do and fear I'l back out. 



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Didn't the answers on your previous thread help?


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Yes they did I read them and I'l re read, sorry Barry.
Just looking for as much opinion as I can get as to me its a massive decision

It is a big decision but you should trust your ENT specialist.

My wife had sinus surgery several years ago p. She said to inform you that there is nothing to worry about and that it's a simple procedure. Good luck

Question Author

Thanks David, did she have septoplasty too. She's probably sensible, I tend to obsess over every little thing. 

I don’t think that she did have or need that particular procedure bluefortress. 

try it and see - it is obvious that such things have a success and failure rate.

dont turn into an Abby and obsess about what top to wear to outpatients

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Has Anyone Had Sinus Surgery?

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