wd 40 in The AnswerBank: Science
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wd 40

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stevec000 | 23:05 Sun 14th Sep 2008 | Science
6 Answers
the oil
how did it get its name
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should this be in another topic
Some information here:


Which topic steve?
on his 40'th attempt!!

it so sounds like a walk in the park

typical marketing
They were trying to create some stuff that is hydrophobic for use on circuit boards, to push away any water vapour.

So the WD stands for Water Displacement.

It was batch number 40 that worked the best.

Then a few of them tried it on some door hinges and their bike gears if I remember correctly, so the company caught onto this and decided to market it for this kind of stuff too.
Did you know WD40 has over 2000+ uses?

Check out the list and download the PDF from the web site:


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