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dustypuss | 10:37 Thu 23rd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
That its the first day autumn to day.

Are you looking forward to the cold dark mornings and nights.


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Hi puss, not bothered one way or another ;-0)
cant wait..........sigh
It don't feel like it dustypuss! But yes, I love to get the curtains closed, the lights on, and suggle up by the fire. Plus, you don't feel just as bad if you go to bed at 21.00 hrs and don't get up until 10.00 hrs.
i'n not looking forward to walking home in the dark, its the bit along the canal that's unlit i'm convinced one day i'll walk straight into it!
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you like jumping in piles of leaves doncha vibes
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i like spring and autumn, mmm casserole might have to make on this weekend!
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mmm chicken and chorizo with cheese, stop it you're making me hungry
Hi Fluff. I've never cooked with chorizo. would you mind putting up your chicken, chorizo and cheese recipe please. Thanks xx
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Doh! I'm not firing on all cylinders today vibra.. will try it the next time I make stew, does it go well with other meats ?
"Are you looking forward to the cold dark mornings and nights" lol, still got them from last year and the year before.....................but i like the cold and the dark so it's all good
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just after sunrise when there's not a cloud in the deep blue sky and the air is freezing cold so that your every breath is visible... can't be beaten
Thanks vibra. I think I need to buy some this weekend and try it before I start cooking with it.

Agree bibble.
ps. when are you going to change your avatar?
i might keep it for a while
Thought you might !
I enjoy the different Seasons as each has its own Beauty. Spring and Summer enables us to get out and about more with outings to the Countryside/Seaside.

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