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kat1 | 18:15 Thu 22nd Dec 2011 | Shopping & Style
89 Answers
What the heck are they doing in supermarkets at this time of the day & it being one of the busiest days of the year!!!!!! When my mum was alive she did her shopping first thing in the morning as she said it wasn't fair on the workers.


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Last time I get your bloody shopping sara...............
One day you will be a pensioner kat1...
cheers craft.. what would I do without the weekly bottles of gin?
So you want pensioners to be clogging up the buses and roads during rush hour so they can get to the shops for 8am?

I bet a few of the pensioners shopping today are a) shopping for their working offspring or b) being dragged along by their offspring to take advantage of the pensioner's blue badge parking concessions.

Many retired people are also childminders for the grandchildren whilst offspring work. They have to shop when they can, too.
You've got my gin...............bugger!!
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Didn't mean to cause upset! I'm not so young myself. cazz, my mother worked in the mill from 14yrs of age until retirement age only having time off to have 5 children where she went back to work evenings until we went to school then worked 9 til 3 until we were old enough to walk ourselves home from school then went back FULL TIME.!!!!!! She just wouldn't shop at busy times.
craft, apologies... I was wrong!

I'll drop the crates of gin over later x
She had time off to have the children!!
I hate mornings. The best thing about being retired is that I don't have to rush about and go out early. I had 40+ years of getting up early and rushing about and I am blowed if I am going shopping first thing in the morning.
your not so young yourself? maybe its time to start thinking about changing your shopping habits? ;)
Bo------ks we have a right to go shopping whenever
Make 'em shop at 7-8am, and then again at 7-8 in the evening, and that they, and their tartan shopping trollies have to be out of said shop long before normal people wish to purchase their items. And if for some reason they end up in a queue and they tut loudly, point out to them that they've got nowt to do and all day to do it in.

I doubt you could find anytime to shop at the moment when it's not busy. In my local Tesco everyone decided to go at 0730 today.

OK, adding fuel to the fire, I think it's those people in their mobility scooters who block up the aisles and then merrily drive out straight onto the main road that need some reining in.
When exactly are the busy times in supermarkets?? With all the different shift patterns worked by people nowadays you dont get the set patterns you did 50 years ago.

If you want to shop at a quiet times then perhaps you could set your alarm for the middle of the night, between 0300 and 0600 seem to be the best. Before 3 in the morning you have to put up with the drunk's on the way home and after 6 you get the early bird pensioners!!
I'll go along with that one HH- 6am seems a suitable time. I mean, lets face it, they've probably been up since 5am anyway. And if they dawdle, or are a bit tottery on their feet and are still in the shop at say 7am- a klaxon can go off and a self appointed staff member can hustle them out the building ASAP.
Keep 'em away from the drinks section I say.Bloody pi**ed pensioners & their mad scooter driving.

Merry Pi**ed Scooter Driver.
I'm buggered then...............I don't get up until 10am.
Booze? you aren't allowed booze for heavens sake! you've only got time to grab a tetra pak of UHT milk, a tin of cat food and a packet of custard creams, then it's out the door with you!!!
Actually it's the younger people who cause congestion in supermarkets, drooping along the aisles three abreast, stopping every few seconds to discuss the shopping list on their mobile with god knows who and if there's a gap they can block with their trolley they do.
dzug- if you shopped at 6am like i proposed, you wouldn't see 'em, job's a good 'un!

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