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kat1 | 18:15 Thu 22nd Dec 2011 | Shopping & Style
89 Answers
What the heck are they doing in supermarkets at this time of the day & it being one of the busiest days of the year!!!!!! When my mum was alive she did her shopping first thing in the morning as she said it wasn't fair on the workers.


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why can't you all just keep out of my way and let me trolley surf!
If they put fake doorways scattered about shops that might free up the really doorway from pensioners stopping for a chat.
lol sara that's the only bit I miss now my shopping is delivered.........
* real doorway.
What's a 'really doorway'?
craft, I just knew you'd be up for that ;o)
My funny bone must be extra sensitive today, some of your comments on here made me chuckle again.
forget the oldies, what about fat people blocking the doorways?
<<dzug- if you shopped at 6am like i proposed, you wouldn't see 'em, job's a good 'un! >>

Twirly for me bus pass - even if there was one then anyway...
I like Chuck's idea!
At least pensioners are well mannered, not like the pushy 30-50 yobs with brattish kids who roam the aisles thes days
its the moms that are the problem.....went toTesco today was heading to the only spare spce i could find and was indicating i was turning in and what happens?......she tries to cut in front but wouldnt let her so got blasted by her horn....i jumped out and asked her if there was a problem and was greeted with abuse.......she was wrong in many ways
1...i was there first
2...the car was too gig for her
3..she probably hasnt got a licence
4...she was ugly

50 yr old yobs with kids? lol.. how old are their kids? 30?
Actually thinking about it, fake doorways would also give the kids somewhere to lay their bikes down, also keeping the real doorway free. (obviously the pensioners can use them at night, during their allocated shopping hours, the kids during the day)
If she was ugly Mick I'd have just reversed over her.................
I would rather be in a shop full of pensioners than one with parents of young children who allow said children to either run riot or to push the shopping trolley into the legs/prams/wheelchairs of other shoppers.
the 30 yo act like kids
Good grief, kat 1! What are you on??? I am a pensioner and to be honest, I do take offense when younger people think that people who are of retirement age suddenly have nothing to do but sit around or ... go shopping at times that are 'incomvenient' for the rest of the population!! I may be retired, but my daily routine involves being a full time carer for my 95 yr old mum who is no longer mobile and has dementia; looking after three Irish Wolfhounds and a little Shih-Tzu who are BARF fed which takes some time; doing all the cooking, cleaning, laundry etc at home; driving my lovely man to and from work every day; doing the shopping;doing volunteer work in a residential home and in addition doing a few hours of administrative work for the office there as well! And you think we pensioners have time to consider when you would like us to be out of the way, so you can do your shopping??? You must be kidding me!!!! What on earth makes you think you are so special that others should have to plan their busy lives to suit you??? Time you showed a little more respect for an age group you will join some day!!
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Bloody hell Carakeel I feel knackered after reading that.....

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