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kat1 | 18:15 Thu 22nd Dec 2011 | Shopping & Style
89 Answers
What the heck are they doing in supermarkets at this time of the day & it being one of the busiest days of the year!!!!!! When my mum was alive she did her shopping first thing in the morning as she said it wasn't fair on the workers.


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" they've probably been up since 5am anyway."
You're 'avin a laugh ..I get up when I feel like it young Boo :)
I've been a wage slave all my life so now I'll shop when I bloody well like thank you !
I used to moan at the old dames trying to get on the bus before the bus pass deadline when I was trying to get to work but I've mellowed in me old age ..As long as there's plenty whisky on the shelves by the time I get there ... :0)
Here,Here ck
well said
Perhaps we can have designated times of the day for each generation and or work related folk?

We've established that wrinklies can shop from 6am till 7, so from 7 till 9 we can then have the folk on the way to work (i'll do that shift) then 9 till 11 we'll serve the stay at home mums who've dropped their kids off at school and are popping in for their booze, fags and lottery tickets on their way home to watch Jeremy Kyle.

From 11 till 12- we close for cakes for staff.
1pm till 2- we then allow in the office workers who've nipped in for a butty (again, i'll do that shift). From 2 till 3 we serve the jobless scrotes who've just stumbled out of their pits and serve them their fags, booze and lottery tickets.
3- 3.15- we restock the shelves of all the stuff the scrotes above have nicked.

3-15-5pm We serve the mums who've collected their kids and are tired out from watching telly all day and screaming at their kids round the store (I believe CD's volunteered to do that shift).

5-7- we serve the workers on their way home and have nipped in to get a microwave meal for their tea and a bottle of wine.

7-10- we once again serve the scrotes their fags booze and lottery tickets, again CD's volunteered to do that shift too.

All the 30 yo yobs could petition tesco for a pensioners happy hour ,problem solved
No good B00..................I don't get up until 10 am and 7pm is soaps time.
B00, that pretty much offers me the whole day... result!
What about parents with screaming brats? I prefer the pensioners.
What about if the shop's near a school, you're going to have to allocate some time for kids to come in try and act cool by speaking unintelligibly whilst attempting to nick things.
Tough Craqfty- you've got a designated hour to do it in- get cracking woman!
Good job I avoid the Co-op then.............
Know where you are coming from Kat. My old granny was of that generation too. She once sent me for the turkey at the crack of dawn.

Actually we find that our local Morrisons is quieter just after lunchtime and we go then .

Happy Christmas kat, and to your feline family
Oi! Leave me out of it... I don't want any bar steward in there when I shop, I don't discriminate in my dislike of the general public, I hate them all equally :c)
I was thinking 12-00 13-00 get the steets aired
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Thanks seadog, I'll to to CATS in future!! All the best.x
How come pensioners can only shop on one shift, whereas mums, office workers and scrotes get two goes ?? That's not fair, you know they have bad memories !
They can only shop on one shift because they usually spend a grand total of £2.50 which they take an age to count out of their antiquated purses in pennies- not profitable enough i'm afraid.
As an online shopper I vote we round the bu88ers up and push 'em all in the shops at 8am, then let 'em out at 'em clogging up the Post Office queue, drawing their pensions while I've got far more important stuff to do, like posting off my eBay packets.

Oh yes, that's a cracking idea! We could get 'em to stack some shelves while they're there. It'd help to pass the time, yeah?
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Too true Boo!! Well off to bed now,need to be early to beat them!!! Merry Xmas Boo see you on my next 'Cat Rescue' post.x

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