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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Hi again. Take care Neti. I hope Hija gets on ok in Barça. I'd worry myself silly if I had a daughter I know I would. Enjoy you 70th party. I'm off to see my nephew tonight who is 17 tomorrow. Fuschia is picking me up so I hope the snow keeps going away. My appointment has now changed from today to Friday morning! Then next Monday I'm back at the Wrist Dr. again. Still it wont stop me getting out and about again thank goodness. Off to Nnottingham Live at Lunch on Thursday and really looking forward to seeing my walking friend then for a good chat over lunch.

That reminds me it's about lunch time now. See yer!
Not your 70th :) I meant your friend's!!

Yay I am a great aunt yet again, Logan 6ibs 6oz and Harley 5lbs 15 oz, makes yer eyes water at the thought (even though it was a c section!)
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oh neti, what little sweethearts! Many congrats to all concerned!
Hope your foot gets better soon.

I took a chance and nipped out for a card when I got back so I don't think I missed the delivery.
Congrats Neti Lovely picture! x
Hello all
Congrats Neti and to the new parents ..what a lovely picture .
Hope everyone's OK .Dull and cold here and nothing exciting happening .
I did a load of ironing today but it takes forever .I do some ..sit down some more ..have a cuppa some more ....but at least I've shifted the mountain .
Have a nice evening folks ,pip pip for now .

Thanks everyone, not that I had much to do with any of it!!

My chinese lunch was lovely, it is a new restaurnat and I do hope that standards won't fall later. Even the Menu for One, is cooked as it is ordered, so fresh and delicious, yet again I brought some home and have just eaten it, Mr N has had a big plate of Liver, bacon, onions, and toms in a lovely thick gravy, mash, carrots and peas, both happy.

It's carnival here tomorrow and SE saint's day so should be dancing and celebrating, but with my sore toe, I doubt that I can. I felt like shaney this evening hobbling from the kitchen with Mr N's dinner in my hand

Hope you are all warm, I have lots to watch on TV and internet (Midwife as I do not see it on Sundays as I watch The Hotel!)
I have one pair of Mr N's trousers and a tank top thing of his that i found screwed up in the cupboard which I washed months ago and was waiting to iron it!
Good morning all, my what a quiet lot we are lately, that's cos woofy is occupied elsewhere, no news of the pups!

Shopes closed today as it is a fiesta and then carnival at 5pm, so am having a lie in until coffee time.

Hopefully see some of you later.
Morning. Will catch up later today. Mr LL and I were working together yesterday on his ppw. I did look in briefly but no chance to actually catch up or post anything. Am off shortly to pick up DIL in her lunch hour and we are going for lunch and a chat.

(Next door nurse, who is really nice, is going to have a couple of pet sheep, goats, and if she can rent the small field behind - donkeys. If I want a donkey she will be happy to give it a home. How good is that. Hooray for the fact that trolls have gone)
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Morning all...cold and dull again, it's getting very tedious now....and tiring. More snow tomorrow. I might hibernate.

Lottie my neighbours could use a goat or two...or maybe a giraffe if it gets left for much longer.
Goats make a terrible smell, our neighbour had one for a short while until we all complained, then they probably ate it!

What is all this about trolls and donkeys??

Cold here, fireworks crashing and banging and foot swollen and painful!
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a'noon all...hmmm....few....thought I'd pop in to see if anyone's awake. Washed my hair and trimmed my fringe a tad short I think. It looks ok now 'cos it's zhuzhed up a bit but when it flattens I suspect I might have that 'old village eccentric' look. I'll have to get a cat and a bike with a basket on the front. I might even dye it hair, not the cat.

What do you think about the recent fox attack? I'm not saying foxes aren't capable of attacking but in this case I'm dubious. Whatever bit him I really hope the poor little mite recovers well.

What's Princess Anne up to lately? I suddenly had her voice come into my head earlier...very odd. Maybe these dark days are sending me doolally/more doolally.

I am dubious too Robi about the fox attack, and what is that idiot Johnson thinking when he agrees that foxes should be culled? Leaving your door open in the middle of a freezing winter whilst your baby is upstairs in cot and Mr Fox sneaks in and bites off a finger................ mmmmmmmmmm

Trolls were my neighbours Neti, they have moved. Yes goats smell, but it is a large field they will be in well away from any dwellings

And Robi, I presume you mean if the 'grass gets much longer'. Giraffes are very nice though!!

I shortly have to go to see the nurse for my blood pressure reading/blood test results and ECG. They have now decided that everyone over 60 needs an ECG every three years. Oh well, I suppose at least they are good to be doing all this, but I really want to phone up and postpone (but I wont!)

Where is everybody else. xxxx
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The story changes a bit every day and the latest I've read Lottie is that the baby was downstairs on the sofa, mother was upstairs...? I hope it's fully investigated...there'd be fox/dog hairs left, I'm sure there must be some differences.

Good luck with the tests, is that the celiac result? And everyone over 60 is to have an ECG? that's going to make it a busy place then. I last had one around 2005...or 2007.
Not the celiac result today, although the nurse might tell me. The results today are for kidney, liver, cholestorol, etc. - the tests that you have for high blood pressure. In two weeks I go for the other blood results to the doctor, not the nurse, which include celiac.

And on Monday I go to the hospital to see the dental surgeon about the Hannibal Lector device. Oh what a joyous life I lead. However, on Saturday night we are going to our Thai friends pub/restaurant for a Chinese New Year Celebration with lots of jolity and loads of gorgeous food!!!!
Hi folks
Another cold dreary day .I did go out though ,only to the library and wool shop otherwise I'll go stir crazy . Bought wool to knit a jumper and some bamboo needles .Thought they might be easier on the hands .Then spent time sorting through loads of odd wool and needles for the charity shop .Exciting isn't it :)

We used to have goat at the pub where I worked in Sutton .She was called Nanny and ate better than we did ! We used to make a huge bowl of food up for her every day .She was very tame and used to come up for the food and let you make a fuss of her .She didn't like men though and would charge at the guvnor if he took the food .He used to throw it over the fence and run ..haha.
Yes ..strange about the fox .We had loads of urban foxes where we lived in London .I never had any problems and never heard of anyone else having any .There were lots of them over in the flood meadow at the back .

Hope all Biddies are well .Nothing doing here otherwise .
Hope your results were Ok Lofty .
Pip pip for now chums ..keep warm .
Hi all back from a very good carnival this year, was dreading someone stepping on my foot but luckily no one did. Bl**dy camera did n't video the floats that I wanted, grr!

Yes I wondered why the door was left open in the winter, but am in two minds re foxes, there is one that comes right up to my sister's glass door and I won't go out there in the dark. But surely the surgeon could tell by the bite mark as to what animal or human had bitten it. People are to blame, they shouldn't feed them, but they do look cute. When I was a child we never saw foxes, well there was one half way to Beachy Head and we would look out for it, lots of rabbits then though.

I ache all over, left side of face and nostril so it's either a bad tooth or sinuses, foot is killing me although not very swollen at the mo. Loo wouldn't flush but Mr N had fixed that.
Country foxes don't venture anywhere near people or their houses - I have seen only a few since we lived here and they were in the woods or footpaths. Very shy creatures indeed.

As for my results. A real mix up on behalf of the receptionist with whom I booked my appointments. She only made one for the ECG and not for the hypertension, but told me they would be done on the same day! Anyway, my heart is still beating OK but I have to go back next week and then the week after that for the other results. Damn and blast it!!! My blood pressure is fine(ish)
Oh lottie, poor you, what a palaver, makes my little island's health service seem A1.

Shaney was that The Woodman in Sutton?

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