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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
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Morning all... shivers ...grey day and a real feel of minus 5C!

Still no shaney? I popped in very briefly yesterday and that annoying flashing ad was all over the place so I retreated. My computer's very noisy too, I think it's a fan but what do I know? Then the phone started ringing and I seemed to spend most of the day on it. Ozzy son sounded like a very unhappy bunny and the tiredness, shock and heavy duty meds made his account a bit garbled but it sounded like a nasty accident, his foot got trapped between two fork lift trucks. If he hadn't been wearing proper boots things could have been a whole lot worse. He's hoping he'll be able to go back and just do the office part of his job in a couple of weeks but I've told him he must do as he's told!...tut...these people who won't stay still are very naughty.

Lovely beach pic jno, can you send warmth, sound and smells with it too please, it's a long time since I saw a coast?
Love the printed fabric woofy.
ooh, those realfeels look a bit parky, don't they. We might have some cloud down our way on Thursday but otherwise it's looking good for a while.

Robi, is there any way you can utter hynotic suggestions over the phone... slow down, do as the doctor says, rest your foot You'd probably have to stand upside down as you said them, of course.
Hi all
I'm ok just no internet since Monday .It was bombing on me from time to time for a while but then bombed totally.Lots of aggro to get Virgin to come but they did this am after having to get shirty about it. The modem was faulty .This is the third time it's happened .
But it's amazing the amount of tiara and chandelier polishing you can achieve when technology fails :)
Haven't read back but hope you are all well. Sorry to hear about your son Robinia .I hope he'll be alright .
Very cold here .I must be a good pilgrim and pop to the shops .Back later .
glad you are ok Shaney. Met office have just issued a severe cold weather warning that triggers social service to do something or other. Real feel temp tomorrow here early morning is -7 so no early dogwalk again. Its not ideal, but the boys are wimps, run around for 10 minutes then start shivering. As I take them somewhere quiet its a bit risky when its so cold. Anyway they went out in the garden for a run around when we got up and came in shivering and miserable. They have typical smooth HPR coats with no undercoat fluff and bare tums so I can see their point They are very good at losing excess heat when they run around but no insulation whatever. We'll go out later.
Robi like jno I have resorted to the treasonous solution, email me if you want to know which one, it seems to speed up page loading as well
Ed has emailed to say it is a problem with the ad platform (woddeva...) and they will be changing it this weekend.
Am waiting patiently for friend to pick me up and go to lunch. She is late!! How very dare she.

Nice to see you back Shaney and know you are OK.

Had my HP MOT yesterday and all OK, except they didn't send blood off for cholesterol. Nurse cross with phlebbbbbbbbbbo .......... person and talking to her manager. Have put on a ton or so and I knew I had. Kidney function stable, no further action needed. BP absolutely fine. Don't smoke, rarely touch alcohol these days. I should be dancing around and very healthy but that ain't happening.

See you later xxxx
Question Author
a'noon...what a thoroughly bitter day, severe is definitely the word. It seems colder than when we had snow somehow, I just don't seem able to get the house warm.
Annoying as it must have been I'm so pleased it was only your tinter that was down and out shaney....your house must be blindingly sparkly when the lights are on though and I'm nominating you for this year... :)

Wooo... I don't see a single ad at the moment, it's like wandering through town when all the shops are closed. Thanks woofy, I don't usually mind the ads, I've been known to click on one or several, it's the migraine in the corner ones that drive me crazy.

sighs[i can you tell these young(ish) ones anything jno? Or oldish ones for that matter? [i]stares in the direction of the Balearics[i] I'll threaten to put all his most embarrassing naked baby photos on his facebook page if he doesn't do as the doctors tell him.

Keep warm all...or, in jno's case, [i]blows raspberry] :)
Hi all. Good to see you Shaney. I hate it when my lap top packs up I really miss it. When I go south my friends let me use theirs.
I have found out today from the Nurse at the surgery that my cholesterol of 8.2 is the total of my good and bad Cholesterol and my good is 3.5.
I rang up to ask about the 17½% business and she told me it was the chance I had of having a heart attack or stroke with in the next 10 years. she said they would normally put me on a statin now but had accepted that I want to have a go myself at bringing it down. So I'm working on it. Wish me luck please.
I've really cleaned up today as my young friend is coming for an hour or so and we're having something to eat and a chat.
Also done a trip to Sainsburys to stock up with fruit and non-fatty foods :) I'm not having any more treats of cake but I may have a little tiramisu once a month!! didn't buy any today though.
Shaney are you watching the 30th Anniversary of the Countdown Champions or don't you bother. I think it's really good. The youngsters are brilliant and I think next week we will know the champion of champions next week.
See yer later'gater(s) Have a goood evening and oight oight. I know it's a bit early but I may not get back on.
Oh by the way I heard it was £26 to go up the Shard. I'd still like to do it though.
I'm happy for you about your Health check Lottie. Let's hope your Cholesterol is ok too then you have a full house. x
Save for the fact that I can't walk and everything hurts Jude ;o). I am considering now asking if my spine can be scanned, something is causing me a great amount of pain down my legs and round my hips!!! Oh well. Nice lunch, even though our order got lost and we were starving. It is bitterly cold with that horrible fine sleety snow is tiny little pieces. I filled a few of the bird feeders and my hands were about to drop off with frostbite.

I would rather not hear statistics about my chances of heart attacks, etc. Jude. I would rather live in ignorance rather than worry about what probably won't happen. My father was paranoid about heart attack and strokes and died of Cancer. What will be will be. Hence I don't have boob checks of smears. Ostrich!!!!!
I have 100% chance of dying within the next 20 years!!!

I want to buy some pretty flat shoes that are flat (well actually, I want at least a 1" heel height built into the sole - flat is painful). Pump type shoes, but with plenty of room height wise the toe area and E or EE width fitting. I think my chances are very, very slim.

Nearly time for the Chaser. Hope it's Mark tonight!! ;o)
hello all, still cold her and it looks like it might snow again, we had a bit this morning. We went out this afternoon to shop but I couldn't leave the boys in the car for too long as cars cool down fast.
Robi I had the same problem with the house yesterday. I had the thermostat set on 23 (!!!) and the best temp I could get in the living room was 17.
Robi's raspberry seems to have worked, Acccuweather has done a total U-turn and decided it will be cloudy all week not sunny all week, and indeed it already seems to have started. Still nice and warm though, that's the main thing for me.
Beginning to think I might like to live in a warm climate. This cold is doing my itititisisis in.

I don't want hot or humid. Just a steady temperature of about 22/24 degrees will do.

Can't find any suitable shoes!!

Oight, oight xx

Not beautiful, but would seem to be right for me. Hope it's not an expensive mistake. German shoes are brilliant as are German clothes.
Oh for the days when I could buy normal shoes as reasonable prices!!!
Here I be again .
Thanks for the Shiny award Robinia :) Sending your son a cosmic thwack with Womans Weekly as your Mum says!
Actually I didn't really achieve anything much apart from a bit of sorting out ,it took me nearly two days to vacuum the house .I've just spent a while deleting a load of rubbish from my inbox .
It's freezing here and I can't get warm either in spite of whacking the heating up .There's a draught down the chimbleys enough to cut you two and it's been sleeting and snowing .
I haven't seen the Countdown thing Jude ..what channel is it on ?
I wouldn't worry too much about this cholesterol thing Jude .People didn't worry about it years ago .My Mum had angina in her latter years but always ate butter and fatty stuff .We grew up on dripping and stodgy stuff and Mum was nearly 92 when she died .Porridge is supposed to help and oily fish .
I eat both and then have a cake .Red wine is good for your heart :)
Mine is only 6 and they want me on statins .You seem an energetic sort of person and I don't think you are heart attack material ... seriously .Take care and don't mither yourself over it .
Are you aching Lofty ..I'm rolling to one side lately as I walk with my damned hips and my lower back kills me .I creep about like an old woman some days .Stiff as a board .It's a bugger .Can't help on the shoe front .I have trouble myself and am dreading finding some new summer shoes after wearing boots all winter .
Oight Oight gals .I've missed your company all week .Keep warm.
They look nice Lofty .German shoes are good .They'll probably have a footbed insert too.You'll be a qualified forest runner now .
I can supply you with an Alpenstock to go with them :)
Nice shoes....not expensive either.
Tired here, had a big carby dinner and am finally warm
Oight oight all
Hiya Shaney. Aching is an understatement. My lower back is killing me, like yours is and I have pains under my bum and down my legs and my hips are waking me up on and off all night. I am determined to have a scan because I just can't go on like this. My friend from Spain hasn't seen me since last Autumn and she was really shocked as how stiff I am now and how badly I am walking. I couldn't get up from the table after sitting at lunch for a couple of hours. We will have to meet up when the weather is warmer - we can hang on to each other!! Or perhaps we can have races on mobility scooters. I am so grateful for my blue badge now. I really do need it. I can't get out of the car unless the door is wide open and even then it takes me ages.

I hate this bloody cold weather. Pee Bo Belly Flop or whatever!! ;o)

Yes the shoes have orthotic foot beds, which is why I made the decision to get them. I only have boos and sandals and some birkenstock trainers. I really do need a pair of summer shoes. I will let you know how I get on with them.

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