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jhiker | 11:29 Tue 09th Apr 2013 | Shopping & Style
8 Answers
Why do the buttons fall off every damn garment I buy these days no matter how much I pay for it...


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The buttons are "stitched" on by machine, hastily, without proper fastening-off. If the manufacturers give you a bit of spare matching thread, you'd do best to reinforce the stitching before you wear stuff.
I bought a top online the other day and the button dropped off as I was trying it on! I had to sew it back on before I could send it back ;-)
Years ago, it used to be quite common for the buttons on mens shirts to fall off. Then manufacturers started providing a couple of spare buttons stitched to the bottom of each shirt. Since they started doing this, I've never had any button come loose on any of my shirts, and so I've never had to use the spare ones supplied!
I haven't had a button fall off a garment I wear for many, many years. My son regularly pings the button off his school trousers though and he isn't in any way a fat kid (6ft tall and 10st).
Godness me! Do they still make trousers with buttons?
My dad used to give a couple of stitches to every button on a new shirt he bought. Think he learned from experience.
Do you eat a lot of pies?
Typically, all the dresses are with loose buttons, you need to strength it before dressing.

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