I bought a bag from an ebay 'retailer' as opposed to a private seller. It was absolutely rubbish and I left negative feed back about the product - the delivery was as advertised and was very quick. I got a response this morning from the seller most apologetic and was asked what they could do to help me. I feel that a full refund is in order and this is what I told them and I'm now waiting for an answer. As I left negative feedback how does this affect their rating which is still showing as top rated seller 98.9% positive feedback - or was my feed back the 1.1% negative
The rating will depend on all feedback. As a retailer they will presumably have had hundreds or even thousands of individual feedback so yours will form just a very small part of it. That said, what you put will be available for others to read.
That depends on how much feedback they have had in the past 12 months.
If they've had 100 positive feedbacks? then your negative one would drop them by about 1%.
You can check their feedback yourself to see if there has been other negatives.
You should be able to click on that percentage indication on the auction page you bid on. Otherwise you can click into your account and look for much the same thing from there.
The easiest way is to get one of their items on the screen. Click on their name and this will take you to their ebay page. On the right halfway down you should see a link that says "see all".
Click on this and you will see a table showing the ratings. The bottom line is the negative feedback for the last 1, 6 and 12 months.
If you click on any of these numbers you will see below what other people have said.
You should never leave feedback until any problems have been resolved (or not). It would have been far better if you had contacted the seller and explained the issue thus allowing them to exchange or refund.
And then the dealer strings you along making out it is going to be solved any moment until the time limit to leave feedback has passed. Yeah that works, for dodgy dealers.
I agree with daffy - I'd always attempt to resolve an issue like this before I left poor feedback. You have 60 days to leave feedback so you can always do it later. When I've been unhappy with anything, my first step is always to contact the buyer to see what they suggest. If they won't play ball, that's when the negative feedback goes in.
You were a bit quick in leaving negative feedback. It is usual to 'talk' to the seller first and try to resolve any problems.Just click on his ebay I.D. and you will see all his feedback
I did email the seller and also left negative feed back - I don't buy a lot on ebay so I was not aware of the protocol. I have received apology from the seller and a request to repair the item - which isn't feasible and an offer of £1.50 refund - which I dont think is acceptable. I have looked at the feed back from the seller and it seems to be a churning of the same responses for damage 'It was alright when it left Korea' and for delays 'that it must be down to the shipping company'
A lot of complaints about quality of material which they dismiss
Beware of buying outside of the UK. Some sellers may be ok but I don't think it's worth the risk. Had a noticably high proportion of purchases gone bad from that group when I used to use eBay.
I've deleted my eBay account. got really fed up with a buyer who obviously changed her mind about an item. Made a false allegation about the item being damaged.
It was eventually returned to me in perfect condition as I had sent. I ended up having to return the price plus postage.
Phone calls and emails to eBay were unhelpful.
Ebay are on the side of the buyer so I said good bye. I don't need that sort of hassle life's too short.