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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 14:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
It's typical, the weather's quiet and the neighbours are away so no yelling I've started itching, grrrr.
Nite x
well, I hope I'm alone, I don't want to find Robinia raiding the fridge and stealing my potassium sources. I have decided to get a lot of it from dried apricots, but of course it is fatal to drink anything when I've done that.
Good moaning, we were awake at 4 for no reason so we both read and then fell asleep! Oh it's only 6° here, exciting must go out before it warms up.
jno why is is bad to drink after eating dried apricots? I eat them.
Morning all...dismal and a real feel of minus 3C here.
I did get some sleep but it was well after 1am before I put the light out...naturally I was warm, comfortable and sleep when it was time to get up. It's bin day and I don't trust the weather enough to put it out the night before.
The funny thing was the first human I encountered today as I was fetching it back in just happened to be a Chinese lady who gave me a lovely smile...maybe she's having a hooley later. I love all that dragon dancing...Gung ho deep joy...or whatever it is we say.
well, they turn back into undried apricots. Only if you drink to excess, naturally, and I would never do that. But it, erm, happened to a friend of mine.
oooh, speaking of raiding fridges and hooleys I've just remembered I dreamt I was at a party at your place jno....I'll have to think about what happened, maybe we ate apricots and drank all your Pimms, that'll account for the wind.
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Morning all
Dare I say it .....a watery sun is shining ! Don't think it's going to last very long though .Looks a bit black out to sea.
I did get to sleep eventually .Hope you're all more or less with it today .
I think I'm with it ,or will be ,once my face and hair have settled down .

good morning it is grey and cols here. We all had a restless night, no idea why and so are all whacked today. (nothing new there) jno, CHEW the apricots!
Internet beggaring about, am on wifi from phone atm, thought we had sorted all this!!! grrrrr!!!
Just phoned the internet company and no matter what or what I didn't press they just kept waffling on, so I dialled the phone company and they inform me that according to my number there is a fault on the line and they are working to repair it, well why not tell me that in the first place, blood is boiling!!!
oh heck, interneti's going internutti

Not a glimmer of sunshine here, it's raining, Luckiy I managed to do a supermarket sweep and got back just before it started. If we're snowed in I'll be living on battered fish, rice krispies and crisps. I'm with you woofy, I eat the junk and I'm ok...a hint of 'healthy' and I'm off it. Actually I think I'm somewhere in the middle diet-wise and I'm not going to get obsessed.
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Bggr apricots ,we've just had fish and chips ! I had potato scallops with mine though .Lovely ,slice of thick bread and butter and plenty of salt and vinegar :)
I am fine if I have what I fancy, no matter what it what I ought to eat and it causes trouble. Must be a biddy thing.
I've never been to jno's place, not even in my dreams :-(
You can be my 'plus one' next time neti.

we have heavy persist here yet again. the garden has actually stopped draining. happily the house is abput 8 inches higher than the patio.
yay por fin (at last) have tinternet again.
just a bit of drizzle here, might get heavier later but nothing terrible by the look of Our garden stopped draining a couple of years ago, woofgang, and we had to put drains under it; it's fine now. The house is actually lower than the garden (and lower than the main drain, for reasons unknown), so it had to be done but it cost money.

Glad to hear the web is again world wide, even reaching the farthest corners of Ibiza

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