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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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Morning all
At the risk of repeating myself ....Dull and raining here !
When is it going to stop ? Noooo not snow Robinia .Hope it doesn't come to anything .Hope you're all as well as though .Nothing exciting here .I'm on ironing duty again today .My SiL is still not all that well.
snowing? OUr precipitation here is strictly see-through, but I know you country folk prefer your traditional colours.
Yes, it's up to the windowsills now...

ssshhhhh Jude, we want them to send sympathy and food parcels don't we?
Snowing and you want sympathy??? You lucky things! I need sympathy it is boiling here today in the sun, have been helping Mr N sort through his rubbish, and found lots of forgotten things. Have washed bedroom sheets and it is all dried and put away luckily, as it gets very damp very quickly here and soon!

Mr N is roasting a leg of lamb tonight on a bed of leeks which get all crispy and delicious!

Hope you are all OK!
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That sounds delicious Neti .I love lamb.We had lamb chops the other day but they didn't seem to agree with me .Could have been a bit too fatty perhaps .
You need a small loan from the bank to buy a leg of lamb here these days :)
We've got corned beef hash with fried eggs the other half live eh ? lol
I've finally finished the ironing .
Why on earth my bro insists on wearing shirts on a daily basis is a mystery to me but I suppose he's too set in his ways now .Bless.
Well we had more snow but none that settled, you'd hate it neti, it's been the darkest dampest bleakest day imaginable.

Though you were describing me for a moment shaney...corned beef legs and two fried eggs, haha.
I've been going through my inbox, some of the mails are years old....and sooo funny.
wettest January in 100 years, they say. We've been quite lucky in this part of the world, no snow, no big storms, just the usual gentle zephyrs and black skies.Cap has been glued back on to my tooth, the other wobbly tooth has been passed fit for duty, so I am back home and... and... doing nothing of value, really
Yes I shouldn't grumble really, no extremeweather or floods here, it's just so dark and damp all the time.

....however, three little words have woken me up... "New season handbags" Now that calls for a follow up....
We only get frozen legs of lamb here and they do not farm/grow (whatever) sheep. I love seeing the fluffy lambs when I am back in England. Mr N gets them (the frozen legs of lamb) through a hotel so we get them really cheap, luckily as we love lamb. Don't like Roast pork and the beef is cut totally differenly here so would not have a clue what to buy to roast and am not too bothered. I love corned beef hash with eggs, but corn beef is almost 5€ a tin, and leg of lamb (big and thick) is 9€. Mr N made a lovely hash a couple of weeks ago, he totally puts my cooking to shame, we can make the same thing and his is always better!!!

It's been a lovely day today but getting chilly now!
Hello all, have been squashed, they have a new squashing machine that gives them a preview of what the image will means they can avoid mis-squashes and only need to squash just enough so much better. Came home and did some more tidying then we went out for lunch to celebrate my bravery and my intact baked acorns.

Its cold grey and misty here and we have braised venison for tea.
Roast lamb dinner was absolutely delish, the crispy leeks so moreish. We ate through a pile of perfectly roasted spuds and he makes proper gravy with the meat juices ( I just bung in the bisto!) It was like xmas all over again, with honeyed carrots and peas. We had run out of mint sauce cos cannot get it very often here, but luckily I had some frozen mint leaves (left over form my mojito days) so we chopped it and made mint sauce, he even washed up afterwards so I could bathe and watch Eastenders, BUT he hasn't dried and cleared away so I'll do that in a min!
Has such a pain in my nipple earlier, but then I realised I was standing on it - haha !
Sorry I missed your Birthday Mr. S. hope you had a good one!

What a dismal day today :-( I had to go to town and spend some money to cheer myself up. I ended up with a nice clingy navy blue skirt (M & S) to go with a pink navy and white stripey top I bought from Tu at Sainsburys. All I want now is some fancy pink and blue tights to go with them. I've been invited to a pary and it's a guess the baby - Blue or Pink - and we've been asked to wear what colour with think so I'm backing it each way!! :-)
The Mum had a scan yesterday and they now know but aren't telling until nex Saturday.
Right I'm off now. Oight oight all. Sleep toight as Shaney says.
lol Neti, that's daft!
soooo tired tonight for some reason, oight oight all. i couldnt even find anything to buy in m and s and i let a coupon expire!
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Mr S had a good birthday thanks Jude .Hope your cold /chesty thingy is a bit better.
Well done Woofy .They have a state of the art squasher out our hospital.
What are you like Neti :)
New season handbags ? ooooh .....barges Robinia out of the way in Debenhams
Think I'll mosey off to bed ..Oight Oight .Sleep toight lovelies.
Look after your teeth Jno !

whacked out and can't sleep.
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I know the feeling Woofy .I was going to bed but am still sitting here .Mind you I am puzzling over todays Speccie crossword .I overload my brain sometimes with trivia .Lol...
I'm having a small whisky .
I'm not sleepy 'cos I fell asleep earlier, only half an hour but it's enough to take the edge off the tiredness. And I've got restless legs...and good thing I live alone, I get on my own nerves.
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Oh no ..not another one :) I propped my eyes open all evening to watch teevee and felt ready for bed but no ,as soon as I mooch out here to get me hwb and drink I wake up again .....I'm still hotching around .Grrrr.
Mr S is snoring away up there like a good 'un .
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I'm going up now .I'll read for a while and hope I drop off .
Nite you two .Hope you get some shut eye .xxx

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