Quizzes & Puzzles4 mins ago
Frying Pans
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.
online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
It rains on and off and the tearing noisy wind just won't ease but we're so lucky not having floods in this area. Out and about there are fields standing in water but nothing like the south has. I feel like crip today but at least I'm not having to pack bags and move, it doesn't bear thinking about, my heart goes out to those poor people (and animals).
Yes it's dreadful in parts .Poor buggers .They've been flooded for weeks now .
God knows what it'll be like when the waters finally recede .They reckon the stench is dreadful .
And now that awful Pickles man is bleating on about it according to the local rag he was in our neck of the woods last week in the High St with our local MP who is just as awful .Shame I didn't come across him :) He cut our council funding by 19% ,the highest in the country .
Lovely pics Neti .I like your jacket .
God knows what it'll be like when the waters finally recede .They reckon the stench is dreadful .
And now that awful Pickles man is bleating on about it according to the local rag he was in our neck of the woods last week in the High St with our local MP who is just as awful .Shame I didn't come across him :) He cut our council funding by 19% ,the highest in the country .
Lovely pics Neti .I like your jacket .
Neti, you always look so stylish.
Yes its cold here today too. A lazy wind that doesn't bother to blow around you, it just blows straight through. We went shopping to Marks and bought loads of lovely food but no towels. Will have to go into town to the bigger marks. We did get lovely strawberries though.
Yes its cold here today too. A lazy wind that doesn't bother to blow around you, it just blows straight through. We went shopping to Marks and bought loads of lovely food but no towels. Will have to go into town to the bigger marks. We did get lovely strawberries though.
Haha .. I find myself humming it all the time Robinia ....especially when I'm in a flummox .It calms me down .Doo bee do do, bee do do ....tra la la la ...lol.
Yes good news Neti .I hope he gets shoved out of the consultants door with a clean bill of health .It's been a constant worry for a long time .
You always look stylish .I always look like I've been pulled through a hedge backwards .
Yes good news Neti .I hope he gets shoved out of the consultants door with a clean bill of health .It's been a constant worry for a long time .
You always look stylish .I always look like I've been pulled through a hedge backwards .
I was late Robinia ,nearly two weeks overdue .The midwife said I needed to get moving or they would have me in the following day and induce me and I thought sod that so I had a genteel bike ride round the paths .Mr S came with me .My in laws were there and MiL went mad and said I wasn't to do it but I took no notice and pedalled along .That night my waters broke. Probably just coincidence though .I didn't want those Dutch doctors poking me around :)
Watched Call the Midwife earlier ..bit of a tear jerker .
Watched Call the Midwife earlier ..bit of a tear jerker .
Morning possums, sunny but slightly chilly today but then it is midwinter!
I am a great believer in doing normal things when pregnant, but unfortunately when I was with twins at 10 weeks I wentout on my motor bike and then I bled, and lost them 1 week later, but I probably would have lost them anyway, who knows! I did take more care with hija! just in case! Although at 3 months we had friends staying with 2 kids, they invited themselves and I was doing their washing when they were out and we had no water, so I went up and down steps, back and forth to the building site on the other side of the road carrying buckets of water several time to fill machine, but all was well, daft when I look back!
I am a great believer in doing normal things when pregnant, but unfortunately when I was with twins at 10 weeks I wentout on my motor bike and then I bled, and lost them 1 week later, but I probably would have lost them anyway, who knows! I did take more care with hija! just in case! Although at 3 months we had friends staying with 2 kids, they invited themselves and I was doing their washing when they were out and we had no water, so I went up and down steps, back and forth to the building site on the other side of the road carrying buckets of water several time to fill machine, but all was well, daft when I look back!
I lost 2 after hija for no particular reason, but I never dwell sadly, there's always a reason. I would have liked one more.
Mr N has trotted off to his work, seems so early! I am pottering, without hija the house doesn't get untidy or disorganised, there's no unwashed dishes or plates of leftovers!
Off to meet friends for coffee in a couple of hours, see you all later.
Mr N has trotted off to his work, seems so early! I am pottering, without hija the house doesn't get untidy or disorganised, there's no unwashed dishes or plates of leftovers!
Off to meet friends for coffee in a couple of hours, see you all later.
Midwife was soooo sad sniff
Morning all...ah, this is more like a winter morning, crisp frost, bright sunshine, frozen bird baths....cough, sore throat, the heady aroma of menthol in the air.... it is a lovely day (so far).
Crikey shaney, that was brave :) That said, I carried on as normal, no choice, no one was mollycoddling me (cue violins), but I only made it as far as 35ish weeks with Tarquin. He's been in a hurry ever since.
jno I saw the very thing only yesterday...I'll get clicking and have it ready for your next visit to the hard seats. You might not be too popular with those behind tho'
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Morning all...ah, this is more like a winter morning, crisp frost, bright sunshine, frozen bird baths....cough, sore throat, the heady aroma of menthol in the air.... it is a lovely day (so far).
Crikey shaney, that was brave :) That said, I carried on as normal, no choice, no one was mollycoddling me (cue violins), but I only made it as far as 35ish weeks with Tarquin. He's been in a hurry ever since.
jno I saw the very thing only yesterday...I'll get clicking and have it ready for your next visit to the hard seats. You might not be too popular with those behind tho'