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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
I am enjoying a maple flavoured canadian whiskey with ginger ale.
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I've got bog standard Famous Grouse Woofy with some ice and water ....but cheers m'dear :)
bottoms up shaney!
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I'm soaking it up now with some crispbakes and Boursin :)
oh now I am hungry.
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I've found a really nice bedtime drink recipe .I love almond milk so might try it but have to get the cardamon first .
260ml milk or almond milk
1 cardamom pod, de-husked and ground to a powder
½ tsp mixed spice
½ tsp good vanilla extract
1 tsp golden syrup
1 Pour the milk or almond milk into a medium mug (almost to the top).
2 Whisk in the crushed cardamom, mixed spice, vanilla and syrup.
3 Place in the microwave and gradually heat on full power for 30 seconds at a time for about 2 minutes.
It's the Golden Syrup bit that caught my eye ;-)
Oight Oight .

Can you whizz me up a knockout concoction please? I can't get to sleep, the wind's so horrendous it's frightening. It's raining too & sounds worse than anything we've had up to now.
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I know Robinia's driving me demented .It's roaring out there .Everything is rattling , banging and creaking . The rain is hammering against the windows .
It is frightening .
very rowdy here too, but I am safe in the bosom of my family (most of them long dead, of course). A nice refreshing Jamesons and then I think I shall crawl away. Got to squeeze Waitrose in between the typhoon and the monsoon tomorrow/today.
Good morning earlybirds...never thought I'd say that. Anyone got any sheds that need repair, dogs to walk, shopping lists to make, I'm wide awake...and having a good cough. I think I managed 1 & half to 2 hrs sleep but it's still raging out there so little hope of more rest & I've just fetched a cuppa, dunkin' bics & paracetamols. Hope you're all safe this morning.
Good morning. Oh you poor things, and there was I sleeping the sleep of the just, so quiet and peaceful, even Mr N stayed in bed and the cat was as quiet as a church mouse. In fact I woke up once wondering where Mousey was and why she wasn't shouting to go out, but I 've just woken her up on hija's bed. The North west of Spain is suffering badly too like yourselves. Dare I tell you that the sun is shining!

Just hope you are all OK. Robi hope you get better soon.
still hoooowling here but the rain has all vanished - even the ground looks dry now, it must have blown away. The clouds are hurtling by so it's sunny one minute, dull the next.. I must inspect the estate to make sure the wheelie bins are still where they should be.
Oooh, bloomin' awful it was, I've never heard anything like it before...I'm amazed that (so far) there seems to be no damage in my immediate area. I'm certainly not going out to survey the neighbourhood, too scared of being whisked off to East Angular or something bopping me on the head. We've got the rest of the day to get through and then hopefully it will ease, but not stop altogether apparently.
It's going to be a tele/music/read the Bunty day (again) pelvic muscles are griping, no doubt from the recent strain of this cough so I'm walking more like an orang-utan than an Egyptian today.
good morning/afternoon. We finally settled around 03.30. The dogs aren't scared by the weather any more but need to go out and hunt the wind dragon when stuff gets noisy. We are having a recuperating day today. I have lost sky tv so very quiet here.
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Hello all
My computer is painfully slow today .What an awful night .I'm glad you're all safe and sound .It's still blasting through the lokes here although it's bright and sunny .It's making me feel tetchy and Mr S. is getting on my nerves fiddling about in the fridge and pantry and just generally wandering around .
Tomorrow Picky is coming to install the new computer so I may be off line for a while until it's up and running .
I can hear you all ...shouting Hooray
Just like spring here, sorry! Have to look out lighter clothes already. Mr N took me for a couple of drinks at lunchtime, but was very quiet in Es Cana, so we went food shopping, then home for lunch and a nap. I've just caught up with Inside No.9 - really weird!
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Lol Neti ..I think I'll hop on a plane and come and stay with you .I'm easily pleased and very clean and tidy :)
It's pouring with rain again now and the wind is still blasting through here.I fed up.
shaney, If I had a big enough house, I would have you all over + one, for rest and respite. Getting chilly now though and we have lit the gas fire, have found out that wearing a bra indoors keep you warmer, but am fed up with feeling restricted, so letting them all hang out now!!! Ahh bliss !
Isn't East Angular in Africa ? well may have been blown there by now.
well the estate is soggy, I sank halfway to my ankles on the lawn, so I hope it's all slowly seeping into the drains to be carried away. In theory that's the last storm for a while. I even found a rose out in one corner, so I suppose spring must have blown through last night.

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