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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
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Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Agree Robi about vitamins. Once you've got the cold how can it help? I don't vit.

Keep you're lollies I also have many antique ones in the freezer.
ah, poor Robi, hope you're starting to return to life. I'm not sure what a diet without vitamins would look like but I'm sure it can only be healthy. Any 100mph winds round your way?

I fossicked round the back of a chiller cabinet in Tescos yesterday and came across an unsold tub of Christmas ice-cream with Rémy Martin. Very tasty and it'll be a miracle if it sits in our freezer for hours let alone months.
I'm hopefully gathering speed thanks and, unfortunately, so is the wind, it's howling and raining.

Lol@ 'fossicked' did that word bypass Nottingham? I used to love a drop of Remy, might be a good substitute for vit C.
More than one doctor has told me your diet has to be exceptionally poor over a long time to be deficient in anything. Before she died my mum had eaten very little for about a year but tests showed she was lacking nothing.
A little something to cheer you all up!

sta Eulalia Bay this am as I was talking my walk.

The fountain working cos it's a fiesta!

The only river in the Balearics.
...and lastly...

the locals at play on their fiesta day, I think there was going to be free nibbles cos there are a lot of chefs in the background!
I don't normally bother with vits but do up my vit C if I have spate of sore throats and virussy symptoms. Usually washed down with a hot toddy.
The weather is evil here again today. Wet, noisy and cold all at once.
Dogs are restless this morning which i reckon means the wether is going to get worse.
jno yes, if I had the bedsocks here last night I would have had them all on, my feet were like blocks of ice. A small sherry helped.
jealous Neti, soooo jealous. I fed up living in a bog.
yes, it is the Festival of St Murk here and the locals are all dressed in their most gorgeous finery
Oh booger, I spoke too soon, every mouthful of my sarnies made me cough until I got cramp in my ribs...I did mention balearics a time or two funnily enough. :)

Those are lovely pics neti, I'm jealous too...I fed up of this soggy life too, but at least I don't have to worry about my dog(s) in the bog...Charlie would have had an indoor loo installed by now.
woofy whenever I feel 1º under my feet are always cold, to me it is a sign of unwellness. Hija gave Mr N a long pair of thermal socks which he won't wear so I am wearing them in bed, although they seem to come off during the night, the only clothing that does come off I can assure you!!
Oh Hark - we have fireworks, but not a lot!
Snap jno, or almost, I found some frozen xmas cake so took it out, Mr N seems to have muched his way through most of it!!
We have continuing evil weather. the dogs have demolished large chews and gone to sleep.
it's been hailing away and now it's sunning away. The hedges are blossoming a few months early so I hope they haven't got hurt.
my cherry trees in pots are starting to open, also the camellias. The mimosa is gorgeous and scents the whole garden when the weather is still. The viburnum is nearly over but still git plenty of bloom on the winter honeysuckle.
That is the end of the gardening segment.
My weeds are luxuriant and verdant!
If this wind keeps up my garden could end up in shaney''s wiiiiild!
this isn't looking too great

jno jnr lives on that line, but he's texted to say he's fine and on his way home. Presumably the missing bit of Kent must be right down by the coast rather than in the more oasty area where he lives.

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It's Ok Robinia .I've rescued your bloomers from the top of my shed which has no felt on it now .The felt must be somewhere ,probably in Jno's garden may even have got as far as Ibiza .
What an awful day and it's still roaring away out there and lashing it down .At least we are dry though .
My joints ache like hell and I feel as if I'm on fire.
Those pictures are lovely Neti ....I wish I was there in the sunshine .
That looks a bit hairy Jno.My friends are further north eastish in Tunstall and they are alright or were this morning .Get yourself a bottle of brandy in Robinia and zap that cold :)
Keep safe folks ..Oight Oight .
still quite noisy here but we are in real bed, not on the settee with the telly going to block out the noise which is a big advance. oight oight all.
Morning biddies.

How much more can UK take, it seems horrendous on the news, I really do hope you are all OK, bit worried about woofy's area. How much longer? I do know how lucky I am to be here much as I moan. Although tis a bit grey outside.

My sisters are going to East Grinstead today for older sis to have the cancer on her finger removed and a skin graft, apparently it is so painful which is why they are doing it immediately. Just hope the weather leaves them alone on their car journey.

Made a 2 lovely curries last night, beef rogan josh and a mix veg one, I did it all from scratch, no jars of curry sauce this time, it was really delicious and I bought a flaon (mint tarty thing) for desert. Then we watched the Harry Nilsson story, such a lovely singer, so then I went to bed and watch Nilsson's The Point which I have loved for years.

Must get up now, catch you all laters.

Hope Robi is feeling a bit better. (why do we say that "bit" - I hope she's all better!!)

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