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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Feels like spring? I'll show you spring swetibiza... I'll smack you with this whisk.
Oh noo, don't be away too long shaney, it's hard enough trying to keep us all pegged down and safely gathered in. Safety in numbers & all that. :)

Awful afternoon with lashing rain, I hope the worst is over and we have a peaceful night. It's turned cold, I'd better stuff some fluffy socks in my bra.
Aww, I don't know whether this has been posted on here but I've just seen this for the first time....:)
Eastbourne apparently has been flooded, the main A22 was impassable as was a lot of the Seaside area. But surely that is it for now? all you can do is get drier now.

Just had salmon carbonara with broccoli in cheese sauce, was OK!

Have put summer pj's on. We do not like not having the beeb!! Hopefully Mr N will get some good work and we can recify the situation for next winter.
just been doing skybox diagnosis...I think my box has died :(
Evening all. I've been struggling all day trying to get all my email addresses all on windows live. When I add one I put in what I think is the right info and then it comes up error. Anyone any ideas?

About the weather. I think where I live I'm lucky. I really feel for the people having the real difficulties. No power, flooding in their homes etc..
It's just cold wet and windy here and I'm fed up with it but if that's all then I'm ok.

Hope you're all tucked in for the night. Watching the box with a nice drink to warm you up.

See you tomorrow oight oight all.
Woofy you can get them at boot sales for about £15.
its ok Neti, its covered with insurance, but thanks. I do the monthly insurance and it covers the box, dish, cables the lot. I just have to get the man out.
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It's calmed down here now thank goodness .Should be a quieter night .
I love that ad Robinia .Very cute .
If this machine gets any slower it'll start snoring .I can't help with your email Jude ,I'm just hoping that after tomorrow mine will still be working .
Hope you get your Skybox sorted Woofy ...
I'm gonna love you and leave you ,sleep toight all.
See you soon .....I hope :)

see you on the other side shaney. off to bed now as well. oight oight all
Good morning all. It looks brighter today fingers crossed!
I've just got up having a cuppa tea. Been up and down all night with a sore throat and totally bunged up. It's years since I felt like this.
Where are those paracetamols and throat lozenges!! I'm not even dressed - most unusual!
Hope you are all ok and the weather has improved where you are.
Laters 'gaters.

good morning.

Oh dear jude, you and Mr N, he went off to hija's room cos of a sore throat and coughing, he really can't get ill now that he is working! But he always works when he's ill.

Had a strange dream about the flat I had in Temple Fortune (Golders Green) in North London, all the old furniture was the same but the landlord had put wood parquet flooring down which didn't please me. The teevee was a huge black thing and all dusty!! How strange!!

Weather looks fine from my bedroom window.

Hope you all have a good day.
Morning all....Oh dear, not more of us with the lurgy, it's a stinker, still struggling with it myself.

Bright sunny day
Peaceful night
8 hrs sleep!
Big fat lotto win

Oops, think the last one was in my dream.
what a cute budgie. I t must take days to train them to sing like that.

Lovely day here though I would have preferred more than four hours' sleep to prepare for it. Sorry to hear others are suffering, even Mr N.
That cat and budgie is so sweet, I did think that at the last moment the cat would eat the bird, what am I like?? Loved the cat's face when it was singing with it's eyes shut.
I know it's daft/soppy but we all need a bit of that sometimes. I've watched it about 6 times, the expression on the cat's face is hilarious, there are going to be more soon...and I love that song so that's what initially grabbed my attention.
on the €millions I got 2 lucky stars but no numbers, so nil, nada, zilch, nothing!!! That's the nearest I've got in years!!!!
good morning all. well sky man is coming out on friday, apparently its the aerial needs sorting. Nice day today and we got some good sleep last night so going out this afternoon. Its a real pretty spring day here today, what a change. I hope it keeps on as I have men coming to cut down my trees on tuesday and sis arrives on thursday.
sending get well soon thoughts to the poorlies.
Mr N and I went for a short walk on the seafront the to lunch locally, it was exceptionally nice, we had breadf and alioli, arroz marinera, consome with prawns, squid and mussels, then really fresh lamb chops big and 4 each with sauteed pot, peppers, onions and garlic, then cheesecake with blackcurrants on the top, coffee then home, all washed down with a shared bottle of red vino and fizzy lemon. Just watched a Johnny Depp film, Secret window, oh he is nice!! I did doze a bit through it so not too sure of what happened.
I forgot to thaw the chicken, I was on laundry, it's either crack open the emergency caviar...or a ding dinner....?
Hi all. I've been up in my bedroom watching football but before it started I just felt the need to tidy up a bit and change my bed and I ended up 'bottoming' (if you know what that saying means) the room. Even vacuuming inside the fitted wardrobe (put in after the carpet was fitted). Crazy lying on the bed feeling knackered but pleased it's done. Still cough im and spluttering. Hope Mr N feels better soon.
I won zilch on the lotto too Neti but my friend won £117. His team are winning the match I'm watching which is good for my team's position in the league.

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