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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
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Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Home again, by it was grm out, doing my roots as I speak.

Poor Robi and Jude, sip yer Buttercup, I brought some over from England, but Mr N is glugging it like shaney on the whiskey, !!
Found some Buttercup in the cupboard, it's a bit out of date...but so am I.
My neck feels as though it needs to crack if anyone would like to do the honours..

OOOh falls over herself in the rush! I'll crack your neck Robi a good thwacking is what you nedd!
Still feel rough. Nipping to the surgery to have my 'chest'checked. (Not by Adrian, Robi never can get to see him).
I feel so weak. Just want to know if I have an infection. If not I'll just carry on with my lemon and honey and paracetamols.
I forgot about buttercup syrup Neti. I may call and get some on the way home. My sister swears by it! Aren't I a mard a...e!
See yer later 'gaters.
Oh poor jude, you are the least mardy a**e here, you never moan. Yes go and get checked up. It was Robi who got me addicted to Buttercup, and I resent every swig that Mr N takes.
mmm, I might have guessed neti would be first to offer ...

Not mardy, unless I am too, it's a stinker Jude. I though it was turning to flu a couple of times last week (I've had flu more than once, I know how it feels but it usually comes on very quickly) and then again yesterday when I couldn't get warm I was thoroughly miz. Hope it hasn't settled on your chest....get some rest.
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Ahem ..I don't swig whisky out of the bottle .I use a glass .
It brightened up lovely here and was quite mild out really but it's clouding up now .Hair done and I had to go in the bakers shop opposite .The cakes and sausage rolls winked at me as I went past .It was worth the trek up there.
I hope you'll be alright Jude ,you too Robinia and that these colds soon clear up for you both .My SiL is still not well since before Christmas with her chest and has had a couple of spells in hospital until they finally sussed out she had pneumonia .Touch wood, I rarely get a cold since being beside the seaside .It must be the ozone ......and the whisky :)
very healthy stuff whiskey. Its lovely here today, sunny and dry with only a breeze. We are sat in though because the tree men are in the garden. They are doing a nice job and are a polite bunch. Dogs have just been out in the garden for a pee and to say hello.
spanish equilavent of drizzle here, we don't get drizzle, that awful claustrophobic rain, we get misty rain, still makes you wet though, really wintry outside, yaay!!
afternoon all, just been to an exhibitiion of German renaissance painting as I am feeling cultural. Also feeling damp as the heavens opened when I came back, but it is now sunny and I am now dry, so all is well.
...but we all know you hide in the panrty and swig the syrup from the bottle shaney :)

oh there you are jno, I was going to send out the St Bernard once I'd emptied the barrel.

Easy on the Buttercup Robi, it is only medicinal!!
Hi all. Dr. Says it's not infection. And it will last 10 days. Says I have to keep coping the way I am. So I'm in bed had some yogurt. Garbled (even gargled) with salt water and had a drink of lemon and honey. Derby county on the radio and Manchester v Barca on the telly.
Hope everyone who has it or gets it get well soon. Should be at the hairdressers tomorrow but doubt I shall.
Oight oight all sleep tight.
trees are gone and garden looks much better. Dogs are exhausted with supervising. Get better soon snufflies
oh, poor Jude, look after yourself (which it sounds as if you are doing).
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Goodnight all.
Get well soon Jude .
That's good Jude, you won't need antibio's...I've just served my 10th day so I live in hope for tomorrow. KBO, together we will overcome this thing!
yawwwwn... well, I did mean to go to bed early tonight (around midnight maybe) but a couple of birth certificates arrived electronically so I've had to read and amend my family tree accordingly.

It turns out I am very distantly related to someone once accused of being the wickedest woman in Britain. (Not Thatcher.)

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